Publications by Subject
- Dinneford, E., K. Iverson, B. Muse, and K. Schelle. 1999.
- Changes Under Alaska's Halibut IFQ Program, 1995-1998. Abstract
- Dinneford, E., K. Iverson, B. Muse, and K. Schelle. 1999.
- Changes
Under Alaska's Sablefish IFQ Program, 1995-1998. Abstract
- Dinneford, E., K. Iverson, B. Muse, and K. Schelle.
- Changes
Under Alaska's Halibut IFQ Program, 1995-1997.
Executive Summary (PDF
- Dinneford, E., K. Iverson, B. Muse, and K. Schelle.
- Changes
Under Alaska's Sablefish IFQ Program, 1995-1997.
Executive Summary (PDF,
- Muse, Ben. 1998.
- Regression
Analysis of Alaska Halibut and Sablefish QS Prices, 1995-1997.
CFEC Rpt. 98-8N. (PDF file, 814K)
- Shirley, S., E. Dinneford, K. Schelle, K. Iverson, and A. Tingley.1998
- Holdings of Limited Entry Permits, Sablefish Quota Shares,and Halibut Quota Shares Through 1997 and Data on Fishery Gross Earnings.
- Muse, Ben. 1997.
- Regression Analysis of Alaska Halibut and Sablefish QS Prices, 1995-1996. CFEC Rpt. 97-8N.
- Dinneford, E., K. Iverson, B. Muse, and K. Schelle. 1997.
- Changes Under Alaska's Halibut IFQ Program, 1995-1996. Abstract
Executive Summary
- Dinneford, E., K. Iverson, B. Muse, and K. Schelle. 1997.
- Changes Under Alaska's Sablefish IFQ Program, 1995-1996.
Executive Summary
- Dinneford, Elaine. 1996.
- Preliminary 1995 Summary Data on the Halibut and Sablefish IFQ Programs: With Special Emphasis on the Sitka Census Area. CFEC Rpt. 96-3.
- Schelle, K., K. Iverson and E. Dinneford. 1996.
- Participation in the Alaska Halibut and Sablefish Fisheries 1991 to 1994. CFEC Rpt. 96-9N.
- Muse, B.,K. Schelle,E. Dinneford and K. Iverson. 1996.
- Changes Under Alaska's Halibut IFQ Program, 1995. CFEC Rpt. 96-10N.
Executive Summary
- Muse, B.,K. Schelle,E. Dinneford and K. Iverson. 1996.
- Changes Under Alaska's Sablefish IFQ Program, 1995. CFEC Rpt. 96-11N.
Executive Summary
- Dinneford, Elaine. 1995.
- Number of Resident and Nonresident Skippers and Vessels in the 1993 Gulf of Alaska Trawl Fisheries. CFEC Rpt. 95-1N.
- Schelle, Kurt and B. Muse. 1994
- Draft for Council and Public Review: Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review (EA/RIR) for License Limitation Alternatives for the Groundfish & Crab Fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea Aleutian Islands. North Pacific Fishery Management Council.
- Schelle, K., K. Iverson and B. Muse. 1993.
- Draft for Council Review: Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/ Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for the 1,000 Pound Minimum IFQ Proposed Amendment to the Individual Fishing Quota Management Alternative for Alaska's Fixed Gear Halibut Fishery.
- Schelle, K., B. Muse and K. Iverson. 1993.
- Draft for Council Review: Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for the Sitka Block Proposed Amendment and the Full/Partial Block Proposed Amendment to the Individual Fishing Quota Management Alternative for Fixed
Gear Sablefish and Halibut Fisheries - Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands.
- Schelle, K., B. Muse and K. Iverson. 1993.
- Draft for Public Review: Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for the Sitka Block Proposed Amendment and the Full/Partial Block Proposed Amendment to the Individual Fishing Quota Management Alternative for Fixed
Gear Sablefish and Halibut Fisheries - Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands.
- Schelle, K., B. Muse and K. Iverson. 1993.
- Draft for Secretarial Review: Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for the Sitka Block Proposed Amendment and the Full/Partial Block Proposed Amendment and the Modified Block Proposed Amendment to the Individual Fishing Quota Management Alternative for Fixed Gear Sablefish and Halibut Fisheries - Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands.
- Schelle, K., K. Iverson and B. Muse. 1992.
- Analysis of the 1,000 Pound Minimum IFQ Proposed Amendment to the Individual Fishing Quota Management Alternative for Alaska's Fixed Gear Halibut Fishery.
A Discussion Draft Report distributed by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council.
- Schelle, K., B. Muse, K. Iverson. 1992.
- Analyses of the Sitka Block Proposed Amendment and the Full/Partial Block Proposed Amendment to the Individual Fishing Quota Management Alternative for Fixed Gear Sablefish and Halibut Fisheries - Gulf of Alaska and
Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands. A Discussion Draft Report distributed by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council.
- Muse, Ben. 1990.
- An Experimental Forecast of the 1990 Entry Permit Value for the Southern Southeast Black Cod Longline Fishery. CFEC Rpt. 90-3.
- Schelle, K., B. Muse, N. Nayudu and L. Kurt. 1989.
- A Compilation of Data on the Southeast Alaska Demersal Shelf
Rockfish "Targeted Fishery." A Report to the Pacific Marine
Fisheries Commission. CFEC Rpt. 89-2.
- Nayudu, N. and L. Kurt. 1989.
- Preliminary Data on the Southeast Alaska Demersal Shelf Rockfish Targeted Fishery 1979-1988.
Prepared for the June 1989 Rockfish Workshop conducted by the Pacific Marine Fisheries
Commission. CFEC Rpt. 89-9.