>  Publications by Subject  >  Permit Values


Muse, Ben. 1999.
Regression Analysis of Alaska Halibut and Sablefish QS Prices, 1995-1998.  CFEC Rpt. 99-6N. (PDF, 941K) Abstract

Muse, Ben. 1998.
Regression Analysis of Alaska Halibut and Sablefish QS Prices, 1995-1997. CFEC Rpt. 98-8N. (PDF file, 814K)  Abstract

Muse, Ben. 1997.
Regression Analysis of Alaska Halibut and Sablefish QS Prices, 1995-1996. CFEC Rpt. 97-8N.

Muse, Ben. 1991.
Fishing Permit Prices and Management Rents in Alaska Salmon Fisheries. A draft paper prepared for the June-July, 1991 meetings of the Western Economics Association in Seattle, Washington. Abstract

Muse, Ben. 1990.
A Preliminary Forecast of the 1991 Entry Permit Value for the Southeast Alaska K49A Permit. CFEC Rpt. 90-10. Abstract

Muse, Ben. 1990.
Permit Values and Fish Stocks. (Revised version of a paper prepared for the workshop on Exploring a Multidisciplinary Approach to Fisheries Management Research, Fairbanks, Alaska). CFEC Rpt. 90-9. Abstract

Muse, Ben. 1990.
An Experimental Forecast of the 1990 Entry Permit Value for the Southeastern Alaska Red and Blue King and Tanner Crab Pot Permit. CFEC Rpt. 90-8 Abstract

Muse, Ben. 1990.
An Experimental Forecast of the 1990 Entry Permit Value for the Southeastern King and Tanner Crab Permit. CFEC Rpt. 90-4. Abstract

Muse, Ben. 1990.
An Experimental Forecast of the 1990 Entry Permit Value for the Southern Southeast Black Cod Longline Fishery. CFEC Rpt. 90-3. Abstract

Muse, Ben. 1990.
Forecasts of 1990 Entry Permit Values for the Cook Inlet Salmon Seine Fishery. CFEC Rpt. 90-2. Abstract

Muse, Ben. 1990.
Permit Values and Dynamic Stocks. A paper presented at the Workshop on Exploring a Multidisciplinary Approach to Fisheries Management Research, Fairbanks, Alaska. Abstract


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