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Table 4.2.2-1.   Amount of QS swapped and amount of swappable QS transferred during 1995, by area and vessel category

                     Initial |      Swaps   Number |   Swaps     Number |  Net Change   Percent  |      Other   Number of     Percent    |  Remaining    Percent
IFQ     Vessel     Swappable |       From     of   |     To       of to |    Due to        QS    |        CDQ   Other CDQ     of Initial |  Swappable    QS
Area   Category           QS |   Category    Swaps |  Category    Swaps |    Swaps      Swapped  |  Transfers   Transfers     Swap'le QS |  QS           Remaining
 2C       B          701,808 |    -29,630       6  |         0       0  |    -29,630       4.2   |    103,677       10          14.8     |    568,501      81.0
                             |                     |                    |                        |                                       |
          C          168,562 |          0       0  |    67,100      31  |     67,100       0.0   |     13,685        4           8.1     |    154,877      91.9
                             |                     |                    |                        |                                       |
          D          220,114 |    -47,529      26  |    10,059       1  |    -37,470      21.6   |     42,255       18          19.2     |    130,330      59.2
                  ---------- | ----------   ------ |  --------   ------ |  ----------            | ----------   ---------                | ----------
                   1,090,484 |    -77,159      32  |    77,159      32  |          0             |    159,617       32                   |    853,708
                             |                     |                    |                        |                                       |
 3A       B           57,978 |          0       0  |   146,711      26  |    146,711       0.0   |          0        0           0.0     |     57,978     100.0
                             |                     |                    |                        |                                       |
          C           78,857 |          0       0  |    21,572       5  |     21,572       0.0   |     11,134        1          14.1     |     67,723      85.9
                             |                     |                    |                        |                                       |
          D          668,771 |   -168,283      31  |         0       0  |   -168,283      25.2   |    128,810       17          19.3     |    371,678      55.6
                  ---------- | ----------   ------ |  --------   ------ |  ----------            | ----------   ---------                | ----------
                     805,606 |   -168,283      31  |   168,283      31  |          0             |    139,944       18                   |    497,379
                             |                     |                    |                        |                                       |
 3B       B            6,837 |          0       0  |    42,871      26  |     42,871       0.0   |          0        0           0.0     |      6,837     100.0
                             |                     |                    |                        |                                       |
          C           21,068 |          0       0  |         0       0  |          0       0.0   |          0        0           0.0     |     21,068     100.0
                             |                     |                    |                        |                                       |
          D          197,068 |    -42,871      26  |         0       0  |    -42,871      21.8   |          0        0           0.0     |    154,197      78.2
                  ---------- | ----------   ------ |  --------   ------ |  ----------            | ----------   ---------                | ----------
                     224,973 |    -42,871      26  |    42,871      26  |          0             |          0        0                   |    182,102
                             |                     |                    |                        |                                       |
 4A       B           31,262 |          0       0  |    11,301      25  |     11,301       0.0   |        784        3           2.5     |     30,478      97.5
                             |                     |                    |                        |                                       |
          C            6,231 |          0       0  |         0       0  |          0       0.0   |        100        1           1.6     |      6,131      98.4
                             |                     |                    |                        |                                       |
          D           52,059 |    -11,301      25  |         0       0  |    -11,301      21.7   |          0        0           0.0     |     40,758      78.3
                  ---------- | ----------   ------ |  --------   ------ |  ----------            | ----------   ---------                | ----------
                      89,552 |    -11,301      25  |    11,301      25  |          0             |        884        4                   |     77,367

Key to vessel category codes:
     "B"  large catcher vessels         over 60 feet
     "C"  medium catcher vessels        35 to (and including) 60 feet
     "D'  small catcher vessels         up to (and including) 35 feet