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Table 4.2.2-2. Net changes in swappable QS and number of persons during 1995, by area ----- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------¿ | Initial Yearend Decrease of | Initial Yearend Change in Percent | IFQ | Swappable Swappable Swappable Percent| Person Person Person change | Area | QS QS QS Decrease| Count Count Count Persons | ------Å---------------------------------------------------------Å----------------------------------------------------´ 2C | 1,090,484 853,708 -236,776 -21.7 | 272 210 -62 -22.8 | | | | 3A | 805,606 497,379 -308,227 -38.3 | 146 97 -49 -33.6 | | | | 3B | 224,973 182,102 -42,871 -19.1 | 158 132 -26 -16.5 | | | | 4A 89,552 77,367 -12,185 -13.6 171 142 -29 -17.0