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II Transfer Incidence(PDF file, 38K)
Table 1. Statewide Transfer Data on Permanent Permits, by Year, 1975 - 1999
Table 2. Transfer Ratios by Fishery, 1975-1999, All Years Combined
III Geographic Distribution of Permits, Transfers, and Migrations(PDF file, 116K)
Table 3. Total Number of Initial Permit Holders, by Fishery and Resident Type, 1975-1999
Table 4. 1999 Year-end Distribution of Permit Holders by Fishery and Resident Type
Table 5. Numbers of Transfers Between Resident Types by Year, 1975-1999
Table 6. Numbers of Intra-Cohort and Cross-Cohort Transfers By Fishery, 1975 - 1999
Table 7. Net Shifts in Resident Types Due to Transfer Activity by Fishery, 1975-1999
Table 8. Numbers of Cross-Cohort Migrations by Year, 1975-1999
Table 9. Net Shifts in Resident Types Due to Migration Activity, by Fishery, 1975-1999
Table 10. Summary of Yearly Net Changes in Statewide Permit Ownership, 1975-1999
IV Age Patterns Among Permit Holders(PDF file, 227K)
Table 11. Mean Ages of Transferable Permit Holders, Transferors, Transferees, and Mean Age Differences between Transferors and Transferees, by Year
Table 12. Mean Ages of Transferable Permit Holders, Transferors, Transferees, and Mean Age Differences between Transferors and Transferees by Fishery and Year, 1975-1999
Table 13. Mean Ages of Transferable Permit Holders, Transferors, and Transferees, by Resident Type 1975-1999
Table 14. Age Class Distribution of Transferable Permit Holders, by Year and Resident Type, 1975-1999
Table 15. Mean Age of Transferable Permit Holders, by Fishery, Year and Resident Type, 1975-1999
V Transfer Survey Results(PDF file, 331K)
Table 16 Relationships of Transferors To Transferees By Fishery and Year (From 1980-1999 Survey Data)
Table 17. Relationships of Transferors To Transferees By Resident Type of the Transferee (From 1980-1999 Survey Data)
Table 18. Transfer Acquisition Methods, by Fishery and Year (From 1980-1999 Survey Data)
Table 19. Transfer Acquisition Methods, by Resident Type of Transferee (From 1980-1999 Survey Data)
Table 20. Mean and Median Permit Prices from Survey Data, by Fishery and Year, 1980-1999
Table 21. Sources of Permit Financing by Fishery and Year (From 1980-1999 Survey Data)
Table 22. Sources of Permit Financing By Resident Type of Transfer Recipient (From 1980-1999 Survey Data)
VI Permit Transfers From Alaskan Rural Locals to Other Resident Types(PDF file, 165K)
Table 23. Transfers from Alaska Rural Locals to Other Resident Types, by Year, 1975-1999
Table 24. Transfers from Alaska Rural Locals to Other Resident Types by Fishery, 1975-1999
Table 25. Relationships in Transfers from Alaska Rural Local Permit Holders to Other Resident Types, by Fishery and Year (From 1980-1999 Survey Data)
Table 26. Acquisition Methods Used in Transfers from Alaska Rural Local Permit Holders to Other Resident Types, by Fishery and Year (From 1980-1999 Survey Data)
Table 27. Permit Financing Methods Used in Transfers from Alaska Rural Local Permit Holders to Other Resident Types, by Fishery and Year (From 1980-1999 Survey Data)
VII Permit Transfers From Alaskan Locals to Other Resident Types(PDF file, 174K)
Table 28. Transfers from Alaska Rural Local and Urban Local Permit Holders to Other Resident Types by Year, 1975-1999
Table 29. Transfers from Alaska Rural Local and Urban Local Permit Holders to Other Resident Types by Fishery, 1975-1999
Table 30. Relationships in Transfers from Alaska Local Permit Holders to Other Resident Types by Fishery and Year (From 1980-1999 Survey Data)
Table 31. Acquisition Methods Used in Transfers from Alaska Local Permit Holders to Other Resident Types, by Fishery and Year (From 1980-1999 Survey Data)
Table 32. Permit Financing Methods Used in Transfers from Alaska Local Permit Holders to Other Resident Types, by Fishery and Year (From 1980-1999 Survey Data)