TABLE 21B.   Frequency of Finance Methods of Those Permit Purchases Classified Under Combination
                          Financing (From 1980-1994 Survey Data)*

                               Number of                   --Frequency of Occurrence--
            Fishery            Involved       Self/Other    Bank        State     CFAB    Transferor   Processor
            ---------          ----------      ---------    ----        -----     ----    ----------   ---------

            Southeast Seine        5              0           3           0         0          2          2

            Southeast Drift        3              0           1           0         0          3          0

            Power Troll            8              1           2           2         0          4          1

            Yakutat Set Net        1              0           0           0         0          1          0

            SE Herr Gill Net       1              0           1           0         0          0          0

            SE R/B Kng+Tan. Pot    2              1           1           0         0          1          0

            PWS Seine              2              1           1           1         0          1          0

            PWS Drift              8              1           6           3         0          0          1

            PWS Set Net            1              0           1           1         0          0          0

            PWS Herr Seine         3              0           0           2         0          0          2

            Cook Inlet Seine       2              0           1           2         0          0          0

            Cook Inlet Drift      11              0           3           4         2          4          1

            Cook In. Set Net       6              0           4           1         0          0          2

            Kodiak Seine           3              1           2           2         0          1          0

            Kodiak Set Net         3              0           0           2         0          2          1

            Pen/Aleutian Drift     2              1           1           0         0          1          1

            Pen/Aleut. Set Net     2              0           1           2         0          1          0

            Bristol Bay Drift     16              2           9           4         1          5          4

            Bristol Bay Set Net    2              0           0           0         1          1          0

            Kuskokwim Gill Net     1              0           0           0         0          1          0

                                 -----           -----      -----       -----     -----     -----        -----
            All Fisheries         82              8          37          26         4         28         15

        * This table includes only those surveys where respondents indicated that they had purchased their permit.
       ** This table is an expansion of the combination financing column of the previous table.  See the total line
          of Table 21a for the total number of surveys representing permit purchases.