TABLE 28.   Transfers from Alaska Rural Local and Urban Local Permit Holders
                                       to Other Resident Types by Year, 1975-1994

                                                                  Net Shift in Resident
                                                                  Type Due to Transfer
                                                                  Activities with Alaska
                                                                  Local Permit Holders
                                                         Net    Alaska Alaska               Net
                                           From   To     Alaska Rural  Urban  Non-   Dept.  Non-
                                           Alaska Alaska Local  Non-   Non-   Resi-  of     Local
                                 Year      Local* Local* Shift* Local  Local  dent   Comm.  Shift**
                                 ----      ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -----  -----  -----

                                 1975        36     86     50      0      1    -51      0      1

                                 1976        72     82     10     -3     -3     -4      0     -6

                                 1977       105     98     -7      1      9     -3      0     10

                                 1978       155    128    -27      0     21      6      0     21

                                 1979       150     72    -78      7     39     32      0     46

                                 1980       138     84    -54      0     36     18      0     36

                                 1981       131     72    -59     -4     42     21      0     38

                                 1982       191     94    -97     -1     45     44      9     53

                                 1983       172     85    -87      3     45     36      3     51

                                 1984       153     79    -74     -3      8     72     -3      2

                                 1985       155    108    -47      4     17     22      4     25

                                 1986       161    105    -56      7     30     15      4     41

                                 1987       142    116    -26      7     15      1      3     25

                                 1988       153    125    -28      4      9     14      1     14

                                 1989       104     81    -23      2     18      4     -1     19

                                 1990       107     84    -23     -1      2     21      1      2

                                 1991       103     83    -20      6     10      2      2     18

                                 1992       112    106     -6      4    -14     12      4     -6

                                 1993        94     77    -17      4     10      4     -1     13

                                 1994       101     90    -11     -5      4     12      0     -1
                                           ----   ----   ----   ----   ----   ----   ----   ----
                                 Total     2535   1855   -680     32    344    278     26    402

                               * Alaska Local permit holders represent the combination of
                                 Alaska Rural Local and Alaska Urban Local permit holders.

                              ** Non-Local does not include Non-Residents.