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          Table 3.9-1.  Year-end 1995: halibut QS holdings of initial issuees and new entrants by area

                        Tot QS    % of QS    Avg QS     Initial    Percent            Tot QS         % of QS        Avg QS          New        % Who
                       Held By    Held By    Held By    Holders    Who Are            Held By        Held By        Held By      Entrants     Are New
          IPHC         Initial    Initial    Initial      For      Initial          New Entrants        New       New Entrants      For      Entrants
          Area         Holders    Holders    Holders     Area      Holders    |       In Area        Entrants       In Area        Area      For Area

           2C       55,150,457       94       27,603     1,998        94      |       3,814,780         6            28,050          136         6

           3A      172,324,360       94       66,381     2,596        94      |      10,359,550         6            61,664          168         6

           3B       50,341,765       94       55,381       909        95      |       3,052,648         6            63,597           48         5

           4A       13,040,372       91       29,043       449        94      |       1,236,540         9            42,639           29         6

           4B        8,792,299       97       63,712       138        95      |         229,965         3            32,852            7         5

           4C        3,882,732       98       49,779        78        98      |          86,454         2            43,227            2         3

           4D        4,576,433       98       70,407        65        97      |         109,563         2            54,782            2         3

           4E          139,999      100        1,346       104       100      |               0         0                 0            0         0