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                  Table 4.3.3-2  Number of sellers and buyers of sweep up transactions and mean QS of sweep-ups,
                                 by area, 1995

                  ------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------
                          Number of         Total      | Number   Mean     Mean Expressed|  Number    Mean     Mean Expressed
                          Sweep Up          QS         | of       QS of    in IFQ        |  of        QS of    in IFQ
                  Area    Transactions      Swept Up   | Sellers  Sellers  Equivalents*  |  Buyers    Buyers   Equivalents*
                   2C         11             20,475    |  11        1,861          362   |  11        1,861         362
                                                       |                                 |
                   3A         15             31,103    |  15        2,074          306   |  14        2,222         328
                                                       |                                 |
                   3B          3              6,934    |   3        2,311          177   |   2        3,467         266
                                                       |                                 |
                   4A          2              9,068    |   2        4,534          602   |   2        4,534         602
                  ------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------

                  *  IFQ equivalents were calculated from the mean using the QS pool and area TACs that were in place on October 17, 1994 ratios.