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                  Table 5.2-1.  Annual prices for QS and IFQ transfers

                  IPHC                         Ave      Ave             Tot num          IFQs            Tot num          QS
                  Mgmnt   Vessel              price    price            of IFQs           per              of QS          per          Num of
                  Area    Category       |    $/IFQ    $/QS     |         trans         trans    |       Trnsfrd        Trnsfrs   |   Trnsfrs

                   2C     Freezer        |     C        C       |           570           570    |         3,788         3,788    |        1
                          > 60 ft        |    8.17     1.23     |        16,916         4,229    |       112,499        28,125    |        4
                          36 to 60 ft    |    7.78     1.17     |       763,157         3,914    |     5,075,250        26,027    |      195
                          <= 35 ft       |    6.80     1.02     |       216,231         1,880    |     1,438,017        12,504    |      115

                   3A     Freezer        |     C        C       |         8,338         8,338    |        77,472        77,472    |        1
                          > 60 ft        |    7.77     0.84     |       551,559        10,214    |     5,124,599        94,900    |       54
                          36 to 60 ft    |    7.23     0.78     |     1,024,463         5,538    |     9,518,413        51,451    |      185
                          <= 35 ft       |    6.99     0.75     |       208,552         1,813    |     1,937,712        16,850    |      115

                   3B     > 60 ft        |    6.87     0.47     |        93,917         2,408    |     1,381,717        35,429    |       39
                          36 to 60 ft    |    6.28     0.43     |       129,860         2,705    |     1,910,546        39,803    |       48
                          <= 35 ft       |     C        C       |         2,135         2,135    |        31,407        31,407    |        1

                   4A     > 60 ft        |    6.35     0.83     |        16,000           571    |       121,934         4,355    |       28
                          36 to 60 ft    |    5.47     0.72     |        87,749         4,179    |       668,772        31,846    |       21
                          <= 35 ft       |    5.96     0.78     |        10,867         1,552    |        82,813        11,830    |        7

                   4B     > 60 ft        |     C        C       |        25,118         8,373    |       125,551        41,850    |        3
                          36 to 60 ft    |     C        C       |         9,598         4,799    |        47,972        23,986    |        2

                                                  C indicates confidential data (fewer than four transactions)
                                                    Data includes priced transfers and sweep-up transfers only
                                                      Data includes only observations with positive prices
                                                                 Data was created on 1-3-96