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(1) The RAM data includes any initial allocations through January 3, 1996.

(2) For example, see Supplemental Analysis Of The Individual Fishing Quota Management Alternative For Fixed Gear Sablefish And Halibut Fisheries - Gulf of Alaska/Aleutian Islands (March 27,1992). See also DRAFT FOR SECRETARIAL REVIEW Environmental Assessment/ Regulatory Impact Review/ Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis For The "Sitka Block" Proposed Amendment And The "Full/Partial Block" Proposed Amendment And The "Modified Block" Proposed Amendment To The Individual Fishing Quota Management Alternative For Fixed Gear Sablefish and Halibut Fisheries - Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands (December 17,1993)

(3) It is important to note that some of the information in this chapter may not have been previously published in the formats herein. The comparisons are between predictions of the initial QS allocation using the data set that was used in the earlier analyses and the actual initial allocation of QS.

(4) Recall that several types of entities can hold QS. The terms "residence," "resident-type," or "resident-category" are used herein as classifications based upon the entity's address even when the entity is not a natural person. The addresses are the addresses provided in the NMFS-RAM initial allocation file or the NMFS data file used for the NPFMC's IFQ studies.