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 TABLE 2.4-1.  Number of persons and QS issued by NMFS area and Alaska census area: predicted v. actual.

                                                Estimates From The                                Actuals From The
                                            Supplemental Analysis File                       Initial Allocation File
                                      |-------------------------------------|        |--------------------------------------|

                                      Number    % of         Number      % of        Number    % of         Number      % of
 Mgmt                                   of      Area           of        Area          of      Area           of        Area
 Area               Census Area       Persons   Total     Quota Shares   Total       Persons   Total     Quota Shares   Total
 -----            ----------------    -------   -----     ------------   -----       -------   -----     ------------   -----

 Southeast        Aleutians East           1     0.2              *        *     |        4     0.6            54,783    0.1
                  Aleutians West           .      .                  .     .     |        5     0.7               844    0.0
                  Anchorage Borough        7     1.1           588,571    1.0    |       13     1.8         1,281,393    2.0
                  Bethel                   1     0.2              *        *     |        .      .                  .     .
                  Dillingham               1     0.2              *        *     |        .      .                  .     .
                  Fairbnks\N. Star         .      .                  .     .     |        2     0.3           146,069    0.2
                  Haines                  20     3.1           784,087    1.3    |       16     2.3           685,601    1.0
                  Juneau                  87    13.4         6,051,405   10.1    |       71    10.0         4,519,013    6.9
                  Kenai Peninsula         10     1.5           768,393    1.3    |       19     2.7         1,104,037    1.7
                  Ketchikan               41     6.3         2,403,235    4.0    |       36     5.1         1,753,906    2.7
                  Kodiak Borough           9     1.4           564,896    0.9    |       21     3.0           378,332    0.6
                  MatSu Borough            .      .                  .     .     |        5     0.7            54,997    0.1
                  Nome                     1     0.2              *        *     |        .      .                  .     .
                  Prince of Wales         32     4.9         1,594,612    2.7    |       35     5.0         1,775,814    2.7
                  Sitka                  128    19.8        16,503,853   27.5    |      117    16.5        14,730,858   22.5
                  Skgway\Yakt\Angoon      55     8.5         6,333,952   10.6    |       47     6.6         5,662,655    8.7
                  Valdez\Cordova           5     0.8           233,246    0.4    |        .      .                  .     .
                  Pburg\Wrangell          92    14.2        12,088,343   20.2    |       72    10.2         9,857,583   15.1
                  Outside Alaska         157    24.3        11,971,260   20.0    |      244    34.5        23,346,877   35.7
                                      ------              ------------               ------              ------------
                                         647                59,944,419                  707                65,352,762

 West Yakutat     Aleutians East           2     0.5              *        *     |        4     0.9           120,822    0.2
                  Aleutians West           .      .                  .     .     |        5     1.1               692    0.0
                  Anchorage Borough       15     3.7           848,713    1.8    |       17     3.8         1,524,824    2.9
                  Fairbnks\N. Star         .      .                  .     .     |        1     0.2               354    0.0
                  Haines                   3     0.7              *        *     |        3     0.7            16,451    0.0
                  Juneau                  26     6.4         1,549,782    3.2    |       18     4.0         1,058,458    2.0
                  Kenai Peninsula         63    15.5         2,797,153    5.8    |       52    11.6         2,104,973    4.0
                  Ketchikan               10     2.5           796,433    1.7    |        7     1.6           595,228    1.1
                  Kodiak Borough          26     6.4         3,177,011    6.6    |       30     6.7         3,136,348    6.0
                  MatSu Borough            5     1.2            31,428    0.1    |        9     2.0           353,076    0.7
                  Prince of Wales          3     0.7              *        *     |        5     1.1            77,665    0.1
                  Sitka                   42    10.3         4,089,571    8.5    |       37     8.2         3,290,000    6.3
                  Skgway\Yakt\Angoon      20     4.9         1,105,679    2.3    |       19     4.2           680,543    1.3

 TABLE 2.4-1.  Number of persons and QS issued by NMFS area and Alaska census area: predicted v. actual.

                                                Estimates From The                                Actuals From The
                                            Supplemental Analysis File                       Initial Allocation File
                                      |-------------------------------------|        |--------------------------------------|

                                      Number    % of         Number      % of        Number    % of         Number      % of
 Mgmt                                   of      Area           of        Area          of      Area           of        Area
 Area               Census Area       Persons   Total     Quota Shares   Total       Persons   Total     Quota Shares   Total
 -----            ----------------    -------   -----     ------------   -----       -------   -----     ------------   -----

West Yakutat      Valdez\Cordova          15     3.7         1,213,284    2.5    |       10     2.2           788,298    1.5
                  Pburg\Wrangell          43    10.6         4,799,647   10.0    |       33     7.3         4,342,079    8.3
                  Outside Alaska         134    32.9        27,222,280   56.7    |      199    44.3        34,507,458   65.6
                                      ------              ------------               ------              ------------
                                         407                48,038,512                  449                52,597,269

 Central Gulf     Aleutians East           4     0.6           399,302    0.4    |        5     0.8           398,414    0.4
                  Aleutians West           1     0.2              *        *     |        5     0.8             1,382    0.0
                  Anchorage Borough       33     5.2         2,178,334    2.2    |       30     4.7         2,057,131    1.9
                  Bethel                   1     0.2              *        *     |        .      .                  .     .
                  Dillingham               1     0.2              *        *     |        .      .                  .     .
                  Fairbnks\N. Star         .      .                  .     .     |        1     0.2             1,369    0.0
                  Haines                   .      .                  .     .     |        1     0.2                21    0.0
                  Juneau                  16     2.5         1,465,634    1.5    |       12     1.9           756,809    0.7
                  Kenai Peninsula        157    24.7         9,716,570    9.6    |      139    22.0         8,524,904    7.9
                  Ketchikan               12     1.9         1,647,052    1.6    |       11     1.7         1,477,913    1.4
                  Kodiak Borough          93    14.6        11,182,797   11.1    |       78    12.3         9,772,168    9.1
                  Lake and Peninsula       1     0.2              *        *     |        .      .                  .     .
                  MatSu Borough            5     0.8            62,344    0.1    |       10     1.6           609,175    0.6
                  Prince of Wales          3     0.5              *        *     |        5     0.8            60,592    0.1
                  Sitka                   41     6.4         7,174,542    7.1    |       33     5.2         6,737,025    6.3
                  Skgway\Yakt\Angoon      15     2.4         1,006,820    1.0    |       13     2.1           660,060    0.6
                  Valdez\Cordova          23     3.6         1,220,058    1.2    |       13     2.1           288,230    0.3
                  Pburg\Wrangell          46     7.2        11,994,782   11.9    |       38     6.0        10,518,229    9.8
                  Outside Alaska         184    28.9        52,621,462   52.1    |      239    37.8        65,771,888   61.1
                                      ------              ------------               ------              ------------
                                         636               100,932,906                  633               107,635,310

 Western Gulf     Aleutians East          16     8.6         1,676,845    5.4    |       16     7.1         1,301,808    3.7
                  Aleutians West           5     2.7            32,667    0.1    |        6     2.7            20,788    0.1
                  Anchorage Borough        3     1.6              *        *     |        6     2.7           162,988    0.5
                  Juneau                   5     2.7           200,444    0.6    |        3     1.3            78,109    0.2
                  Kenai Peninsula         18     9.7         2,012,850    6.4    |       18     8.0         2,194,155    6.2
                  Ketchikan                3     1.6              *        *     |        4     1.8           161,776    0.5
                  Kodiak Borough          20    10.8           975,480    3.1    |       23    10.2           709,602    2.0

 TABLE 2.4-1.  Number of persons and QS issued by NMFS area and Alaska census area: predicted v. actual.

                                                Estimates From The                               Actuals From The
                                            Supplemental Analysis File                       Initial Allocation File
                                      |-------------------------------------|        |--------------------------------------|

                                      Number    % of         Number      % of        Number    % of         Number      % of
 Mgmt                                   of      Area           of        Area          of      Area           of        Area
 Area               Census Area       Persons   Total     Quota Shares   Total       Persons   Total     Quota Shares   Total
 -----            ----------------    -------   -----     ------------   -----       -------   -----     ------------   -----

Western Gulf      MatSu Borough            1     0.5              *        *     |        5     2.2           179,250    0.5
                  Sitka                   12     6.5         2,567,133    8.2    |       12     5.3         2,029,548    5.8
                  Skgway\Yakt\Angoon       3     1.6              *        *     |        4     1.8           159,065    0.5
                  Valdez\Cordova           3     1.6            55,730    0.2    |        .      .                  .     .
                  Pburg\Wrangell           9     4.9           973,341    3.1    |        8     3.5           946,140    2.7
                  Outside Alaska          87    47.0        21,839,856   69.8    |      121    53.5        27,253,613   77.4
                                      ------              ------------               ------              ------------
                                         185                31,299,366                  226                35,196,842

 Aleutian Is.     Aleutians East           1     0.7              *        *     |        .      .                  .     .
                  Aleutians West           1     0.7              *        *     |        2     1.6            16,206    0.1
                  Anchorage Borough        4     2.9           536,994    1.9    |        4     3.1           249,267    0.8
                  Juneau                   5     3.6           156,785    0.6    |        3     2.3            91,817    0.3
                  Kenai Peninsula         15    10.9         2,910,501   10.4    |       10     7.8         3,742,955   12.5
                  Ketchikan                2     1.5              *        *     |        .      .                  .     .
                  Kodiak Borough          13     9.5           834,665    3.0    |       11     8.6           459,538    1.5
                  MatSu Borough            .      .                  .     .     |        1     0.8            23,264    0.1
                  Sitka                    8     5.8         1,922,756    6.9    |        6     4.7         1,650,852    5.5
                  Skgway\Yakt\Angoon       2     1.5              *        *     |        4     3.1           109,993    0.4
                  Valdez\Cordova           2     1.5              *        *     |        .      .                  .     .
                  Pburg\Wrangell           4     2.9           499,848    1.8    |        3     2.3           282,868    0.9
                  Outside Alaska          80    58.4        20,689,285   73.9    |       84    65.6        23,236,569   77.8
                                      ------              ------------               ------              ------------
                                         137                27,996,580                  128                29,863,329

 Bering Sea       Aleutians East           4     2.6            52,881    0.4    |        3     2.1            50,716    0.3
                  Aleutians West           7     4.5            35,563    0.2    |        3     2.1               897    0.0
                  Anchorage Borough        5     3.2           189,607    1.3    |        4     2.9           204,549    1.2
                  Juneau                   7     4.5           274,277    1.9    |        3     2.1           210,263    1.2
                  Kenai Peninsula         15     9.7         1,782,981   12.1    |       12     8.6         2,226,027   12.6
                  Ketchikan                3     1.9              *        *     |        3     2.1            39,654    0.2
                  Kodiak Borough          19    12.3           901,103    6.1    |       15    10.7         1,595,275    9.1
                  MatSu Borough            1     0.6              *        *     |        4     2.9            54,330    0.3
                  Sitka                   11     7.1         1,005,094    6.8    |        6     4.3           901,910    5.1


 TABLE 2.4-1.  Number of persons and QS issued by NMFS area and Alaska census area: predicted v. actual.

                                                Estimates From The                              Actuals From The
                                            Supplemental Analysis File                       Initial Allocation File
                                      |-------------------------------------|        |--------------------------------------|

                                      Number    % of         Number      % of        Number    % of         Number      % of
 Mgmt                                   of      Area           of        Area          of      Area           of        Area
 Area               Census Area       Persons   Total     Quota Shares   Total       Persons   Total     Quota Shares   Total
 -----            ----------------    -------   -----     ------------   -----       -------   -----     ------------   -----

Bering Sea        Skgway\Yakt\Angoon       2     1.3              *        *     |        4     2.9           163,530    0.9
                  Valdez\Cordova           1     0.6              *        *     |        .      .                  .     .
                  Pburg\Wrangell           4     2.6         1,192,012    8.1    |        3     2.1         1,245,919    7.1
                  Outside Alaska          75    48.7         8,912,845   60.5    |       80    57.1        10,905,732   62.0
                                      ------              ------------               ------              ------------
                                         154                14,741,721                  140                17,598,802

 Unknown          Juneau                   1     4.0               375    0.1    |        .      .                  .     .
                  Ketchikan                1     4.0             6,569    1.1    |        .      .                  .     .
                  Kodiak Borough           1     4.0            13,999    2.4    |        .      .                  .     .
                  Prince of Wales          1     4.0             3,395    0.6    |        .      .                  .     .
                  Sitka                    6    24.0           160,025   27.4    |        .      .                  .     .
                  Skgway\Yakt\Angoon       1     4.0               882    0.2    |        .      .                  .     .
                  Valdez\Cordova           2     8.0            33,663    5.8    |        .      .                  .     .
                  Outside Alaska          12    48.0           365,489   62.5    |        .      .                  .     .
                                      ------              ------------               ------              ------------
                                          25                   584,396                    .                         .

 Notes:  1) A person may be issued QS in more than one management area.
         2) An asterisk denotes confidential data.