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             TABLE 3.9-2: Year-End 1995: Initial Sablefish QS Recipients and New Entrants By IFQ Area
             ------------------------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -----------------
                                              All       |     Initial       %       |     New    % New    |     New    % New    |     New    % New
                IFQ               Total    End-Of-95    |     Issuees    Initial    |     To       To     |     For      To     |     To       To
                Area                 QS     Persons     |    For Area    Holders    |    Area     Area    |   Sblfish  Sblfish  |    IFQs     IFQs
             Southeast       65,352,762        656      |       590         90      |     66       10     |     63       10     |     45       7
             W. Yakutat      52,597,269        420      |       391         93      |     29        7     |     26        6     |     21       5
             Cent. Gulf     107,635,310        592      |       554         94      |     38        6     |     33        6     |     23       4
             West. Gulf      35,196,842        217      |       204         94      |     13        6     |      8        4     |      5       2
             Aleutians       29,863,329        125      |       117         94      |      8        6     |      5        4     |      4       3
             Bering Sea      17,598,802        138      |       130         94      |      8        6     |      4        3     |      4       3
             ------------------------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -----------------