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          TABLE 4.2.2-2   Net Changes in Swappable QS and Number of Persons During 1995, By Area

                     Initial       Year-end     Decrease of              Initial   Year-end    Change in      Percent
          IFQ      Swappable      Swappable     Swappable      Percent   Person     Person     Person      of Initial
          Area            QS             QS        QS         Decrease    Count      Count      Count        Persons

           SE        433,042        386,135      -46,907        -10.8         76         66        -10        -13.2

           WY        100,524         63,792      -36,732        -36.5         37         31         -6        -16.2

           CG         39,263         39,227          -36         -0.1         16         15         -1         -6.3

           WG         38,555         34,465       -4,090        -10.6         39         36         -3         -7.7