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                 TABLE 5.4-1.  Average 1995 prices for QS leases
                 ------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------
                                          |     Avg      Avg     |       Tot num           IFQ    |       Tot num            QS    |
                   Mngt        Vessel     |    price    price    |       of IFQs           per    |        of QS            per    |    Num of
                   area        Category   |    $/IFQ    $/QS     |         trans         trans    |     transfered        trans    |  transfers
                 Southeast     Freezer    |    0.95     0.18     |        30,745         7,686    |       162,242        40,561    |       4
                                          |                      |                                |                                |
                 W. Yakutat    Freezer    |    0.67     0.10     |        97,172        13,882    |       624,900        89,271    |       7
                                          |                      |                                |                                |
                 Cent. Gulf    Freezer    |    0.81     0.11     |       353,943        32,177    |     2,586,923       235,175    |      11
                                          |                      |                                |                                |
                 West. Gulf    Freezer    |    0.99     0.12     |       382,203        47,775    |     3,110,377       388,797    |       8
                                          |                      |                                |                                |
                 Aleutians     Freezer    |     C        C       |        39,609        13,203    |       423,671       141,224    |       3
                                          |                      |                                |                                |
                 Bering Sea    Freezer    |    0.67     0.06     |        29,180         7,295    |       338,909        84,727    |       4
                 ------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------

                                                  C indicates confidential data (fewer than four transactions)
                                                           Data includes priced lease transfers only