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TABLE 5.5-2   Sablefish Transfer Activity by Area and Nature of Transfer Number and Percent of Transactions

------------------------------------ ---------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------
                  Priced            |    Other             |                       |                    |                        |
Area   Year       Sales    Percent  |    Sales  Percent    |    Trades   Percent   |     Gifts  Percent |     Unknown  Percent   |   Total      Percent
                                    |                      |                       |                    |                        |
 SE      95          111    74.0    |    5       3.3       |         7      4.7    |        13     8.7  |          14     9.3    |         150    100.0
                                    |                      |                       |                    |                        |
 WY      95           37    52.1    |    7       9.9       |         4      5.6    |         8    11.3  |          15    21.1    |          71    100.0
                                    |                      |                       |                    |                        |
 CG      95           59    56.2    |    9       8.6       |         4      3.8    |         8     7.6  |          25    23.8    |         105    100.0
                                    |                      |                       |                    |                        |
 WG      95           14    51.9    |    3      11.1       |         1      3.7    |         0     0.0  |           9    33.3    |          27    100.0
                                    |                      |                       |                    |                        |
 AI      95            7    46.7    |    1       6.7       |         0      0.0    |         1     6.7  |           6    40.0    |          15    100.0
                                    |                      |                       |                    |                        |
 BS      95            5    38.5    |    0       0.0       |         2     15.4    |         0     0.0  |           6    46.2    |          13    100.0
------------------------------------ ---------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------