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          TABLE 6-1.  Summary of 1995 landings by area

          --------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------- ------------------------- -----------
                                     |                        |                    |                         |
                                     |  Persons     Vessels   |  Vessel    Person  |    Pounds       Pounds  |   Persons
                          Harvest    |  With        With      |  Landing   Landing |    Per          Per     |   Per
          Area            (Pounds)   |  Landings    Landings  |  Days      Days    |    Vessel       Person  |   Vessel
                                     |                        |                    |                         |
          Southeast       11,889,418 |     472        385     |  941      1027     |     30,882    25,189    |   1.23
                                     |                        |                    |                         |
          W. Yakutat       7,966,588 |     278        238     |  386       422     |     33,473    28,657    |   1.17
                                     |                        |                    |                         |
          Cent. Gulf      13,965,380 |     430        341     |  787       850     |     40,954    32,478    |   1.26
                                     |                        |                    |                         |
          West. Gulf       3,921,357 |     116        100     |  167       177     |     39,214    33,805    |   1.16
                                     |                        |                    |                         |
          Aleutians        1,903,114 |      73         67     |   91        93     |     28,405    26,070    |   1.09
                                     |                        |                    |                         |
          Bering Sea         982,171 |      78         68     |  102       101     |     14,444    12,592    |   1.15
                        ------------ |                        |                    |                         |
                          40,628,028 |                        |                    |                         |
                                     |                        |                    |                         |
          --------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------- ------------------------- -----------