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TABLE 6.2   1995 landings by area and vessel class of quota share held
------------------------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------- ------------------------- -----------
                                           |                        |                    |                         |
                                           |  Persons     Vessels   |  Vessel    Person  |    Pounds       Pounds  |   Persons
             Vessel             Harvest    |  With        With      |  Landing   Landing |    Per          Per     |   Per
Area         Category           (Pounds)   |  Landings    Landings  |  Days      Days    |    Vessel       Person  |   Vessel
Southeast    Freezer             1,035,543 |     25           23    |     52       54    |   45,024       41,422   |    1.09
             Large catcher       2,480,434 |     84           63    |    131      143    |   39,372       29,529   |    1.33
             Small catcher       8,373,441 |    371          306    |    767      834    |   27,364       22,570   |    1.21
                              ------------ |  -------      -------  |   ------   ------  |                         |
                                11,889,418 |    480          392    |    950     1031    |                         |
                                           |                        |                    |                         |
W. Yakutat   Freezer               634,647 |     18           17    |     22       23    |   37,332       35,258   |    1.06
             Large catcher       4,900,973 |     99           81    |    158      173    |   60,506       49,505   |    1.22
             Small catcher       2,430,968 |    165          143    |    209      229    |   17,000       14,733   |    1.15
                              ------------ |  -------      -------  |   ------   ------  |                         |
                                 7,966,588 |    282          241    |    389      425    |                         |
                                           |                        |                    |                         |
Cent. Gulf   Freezer             1,975,033 |     33           27    |     40       43    |   73,149       59,849   |    1.22
             Large catcher       6,994,775 |    156          125    |    321      339    |   55,958       44,838   |    1.25
             Small catcher       4,995,572 |    247          198    |    430      471    |   25,230       20,225   |    1.25
                              ------------ |  -------      -------  |   ------   ------  |                         |
                                13,965,380 |    436          350    |    791      853    |                         |
                                           |                        |                    |                         |
West. Gulf   Freezer             1,567,172 |     23           20    |     28       31    |   78,359       68,138   |    1.15
             Large catcher       1,758,312 |     63           51    |     89       94    |   34,477       27,910   |    1.24
             Small catcher         595,873 |     34           32    |     52       54    |   18,621       17,526   |    1.06
                              ------------ |  -------      -------  |   ------   ------  |                         |
                                 3,921,357 |    120          103    |    169      179    |                         |
                                           |                        |                    |                         |
Aleutians    Freezer             1,109,897 |     21           18    |     26       26    |   61,661       52,852   |    1.17
             Large catcher         710,778 |     37           36    |     51       52    |   19,744       19,210   |    1.03
             Small catcher          82,439 |     15           13    |     14       15    |    6,341        5,496   |    1.15
                              ------------ |  -------      -------  |   ------   ------  |                         |
                                 1,903,114 |      73           67   |      91       93   |                         |
                                           |                        |                    |                         |
Bering Sea   Freezer               405,858 |      19           19   |      24       21   |    21,361       21,361  |     1.00
             Large catcher         471,282 |      39           35   |      53       53   |    13,465       12,084  |     1.11
             Small catcher         105,031 |      20           15   |      25       27   |     7,002        5,252  |     1.33
----------                    ------------ |  -------      -------  |   ------   ------  |                         |
Bering Sea                         982,171 |      78           69   |     102      101   |                         |
                              ------------ |  -------      -------  |   ------   ------  |                         |
TOTAL                           40,628,028 |                        |                    |                         |
                                           |                        |                    |                         |
------------------------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------- ------------------------- -----------