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Table 7.2-1  Fished and Unfished Quota Share Owned by Initial QS Recipients at Year-end 1995, By Area
------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  |                    QUOTA SHARE UNITS HELD BY ORIGINAL OWNER AT YEAR-END 1995
                  |---------------------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
                  |                      |  QS with               Mean of QS  IFQ        |  QS with             Mean of QS   IFQ
      Initial     |    Total     Percent |  Some        Percent   With Some   Equivalent |  No        Percent   With NO      Equivalent
Area  Quota Share |    QS        Initial |  Harvest     Initial   Harvest     of Mean    |  Harvest   Initial   Harvest      of Mean
 SE    65,352,762 |   49,000,180   75.0  |   47,854,097  73.2       129,686     24,576   |  1,146,083   1.8         7,590    1,438
                  |                      |                                               |
 WY    52,597,269 |   44,335,574   84.3  |   43,353,101  82.4       192,680     29,961   |    982,473   1.9         7,616    1,184
                  |                      |                                               |
 CG   107,635,310 |   84,983,801   79.0  |   83,381,018  77.5       258,947     35,429   |  1,602,783   1.5         9,484    1,298
                  |                      |                                               |
 WG    35,196,842 |   32,223,719   91.6  |   30,227,218  85.9       311,621     38,292   |  1,996,501   5.7        21,701    2,667
                  |                      |                                               |
 AI    29,863,329 |   26,072,291   87.3  |   24,291,639  81.3       411,723     38,493   |  1,780,652   6.0        37,886    3,542
                  |                      |                                               |
 BS    17,598,802 |   14,854,856   84.4  |   12,339,898  70.1       189,845     16,345   |  2,514,958  14.3        44,122    3,799
                  |                      |                                               |
------------------ ---------------------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------