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 TABLE 8.1-1.  Harvest By Location, 1991-1995

 --------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------
           Alaska        Percent  |   Catcher/       Percent   |   Other        Percent  |   Total        Total
 Year      Landings      Total    |   Processor      Total     |   Landings     Total    |   Harvest      Percent
                                  |                            |                         |
                                  |                            |                         |
 91       44,901,076       87.7   |      6,201,521      12.1   |    107,037        0.2   |    51,209,634   100.0
                                  |                            |                         |
 92       41,304,153       85.3   |      6,576,372      13.6   |    520,462        1.1   |    48,400,987   100.0
                                  |                            |                         |
 93       38,446,922       78.0   |     10,522,592      21.3   |    344,467        0.7   |    49,313,981   100.0
                                  |                            |                         |
 94       36,362,648       81.1   |      7,486,969      16.7   |    977,651        2.2   |    44,827,268   100.0
                                  |                            |                         |
 95       34,232,337       84.3   |      5,527,875      13.6   |    867,816        2.1   |    40,628,028   100.0
                                  |                            |                         |
                                  |                            |                         |
                                  |                            |                         |
 --------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------