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 Table III.C-v2a.  Halibut fishing operations that DID NOT receive an initial allocation of halibut QS.
                   Estimated number of vessel owners and 1991-1994 halibut harvest by management area
                   and resident type.

 FISHERY: Halibut

                                                                                                 Pct. of
                Resident                               Vessel        Total         Average      Res Class
   Area          Type                    Year          Owners        Catch          Catch         Catch
 ----------    -----------              --------      --------      --------       --------      --------

 2C            AK Rural Local            1991          126          176,807         1,403         27.1
                                         1992          150          362,844         2,419         33.9
                                         1993          115          306,692         2,667         21.7
                                         1994          106          259,901         2,452         21.4
               AK Rural Local          All Years       260        1,106,244         4,255         25.4

               AK Rural Non-local        1991            2             *             *              *
                                         1992            6           14,922         2,487          1.4
                                         1993            4             *             *              *
                                         1994            7           29,599         4,228          2.4
               AK Rural Non-local      All Years        14           76,770         5,484          1.8

               AK Urban Local            1991          170          308,524         1,815         47.2
                                         1992          195          538,354         2,761         50.2
                                         1993          185          775,532         4,192         55.0
                                         1994          151          610,752         4,045         50.3
               AK Urban Local          All Years       369        2,233,162         6,052         51.3

               AK Urban Non-local        1991            4             *             *              *
                                         1992            5            7,934         1,587          0.7
                                         1993            1             *             *              *
                                         1994           12           99,492         8,291          8.2
               AK Urban Non-local      All Years        21          118,372         5,637          2.7

               Non-resident              1991           51          158,187         3,102         24.2
                                         1992           50          147,693         2,954         13.8
                                         1993           46          294,852         6,410         20.9
                                         1994           50          215,198         4,304         17.7
               Non-resident            All Years       118          815,930         6,915         18.8

 3A            AK Rural Local            1991          109          236,043         2,166          9.5
                                         1992           91          230,120         2,529          7.2
                                         1993           57          309,500         5,430         11.3
                                         1994           70          455,618         6,509         13.8
               AK Rural Local          All Years       190        1,231,281         6,480         10.5

 Table III.C-v2a.  Halibut fishing operations that DID NOT receive an initial allocation of halibut QS.
                   Estimated number of vessel owners and 1991-1994 halibut harvest by management area
                   and resident type.

 FISHERY: Halibut

                                                                                                 Pct. of
                Resident                               Vessel        Total         Average      Res Class
   Area          Type                    Year          Owners        Catch          Catch         Catch
 ----------    ----------               --------      --------      --------       --------      --------

 3A            AK Rural Non-local        1991           20           88,548         4,427          3.5
                                         1992            9           87,072         9,675          2.7
                                         1993            7           31,813         4,545          1.2
                                         1994            9           62,776         6,975          1.9
               AK Rural Non-local      All Years        37          270,209         7,303          2.3

               AK Urban Local            1991          209          786,452         3,763         31.5
                                         1992          188        1,111,645         5,913         34.6
                                         1993          134        1,158,798         8,648         42.4
                                         1994          171        1,365,881         7,988         41.4
               AK Urban Local          All Years       413        4,422,776        10,709         37.7

               AK Urban Non-local        1991           52          295,800         5,688         11.8
                                         1992           32          381,365        11,918         11.9
                                         1993           25          309,587        12,383         11.3
                                         1994           34          397,453        11,690         12.0
               AK Urban Non-local      All Years        87        1,384,205        15,910         11.8

               Non-resident              1991           80        1,090,849        13,636         43.7
                                         1992           85        1,402,994        16,506         43.7
                                         1993           60          920,099        15,335         33.7
                                         1994           71        1,018,790        14,349         30.9
               Non-resident            All Years       184        4,432,732        24,091         37.8

 3B            AK Rural Local            1991           36          236,468         6,569          9.3
                                         1992           34          242,507         7,133         12.2
                                         1993           24          133,107         5,546          7.4
                                         1994           36          224,874         6,247         27.1
               AK Rural Local          All Years        65          836,956        12,876         11.7

               AK Rural Non-local        1991           20          233,668        11,683          9.2
                                         1992           12          135,820        11,318          6.8
                                         1993           15          187,562        12,504         10.4
                                         1994            7           47,678         6,811          5.7
               AK Rural Non-local      All Years        32          604,728        18,898          8.4

 Table III.C-v2a.  Halibut fishing operations that DID NOT receive an initial allocation of halibut QS.
                   Estimated number of vessel owners and 1991-1994 halibut harvest by management area
                   and resident type.

 FISHERY: Halibut

                                                                                                 Pct. of
                Resident                               Vessel        Total         Average      Res Class
   Area          Type                    Year          Owners        Catch          Catch         Catch
 ----------    ----------               --------      --------      --------       --------      --------

 3B            AK Urban Non-local        1991           82        1,398,290        17,052         54.9
                                         1992           64        1,054,024        16,469         53.0
                                         1993           49        1,131,968        23,101         63.0
                                         1994           21          283,166        13,484         34.1
               AK Urban Non-local      All Years       141        3,867,448        27,429         54.0

               Non-resident              1991           48          678,997        14,146         26.7
                                         1992           35          555,095        15,860         27.9
                                         1993           21          345,020        16,430         19.2
                                         1994           25          275,406        11,016         33.1
               Non-resident            All Years        83        1,854,518        22,344         25.9

 4A            AK Rural Local            1991            4           20,505         5,126          2.4
                                         1992            5           17,175         3,435          2.2
                                         1993            4           11,736         2,934          1.5
                                         1994            9           49,411         5,490          7.1
               AK Rural Local          All Years        15           98,827         6,588          3.2

               AK Rural Non-local        1991           21          139,449         6,640         16.3
                                         1992           17          165,172         9,716         21.3
                                         1993            8           62,885         7,861          7.9
                                         1994            7           45,689         6,527          6.6
               AK Rural Non-local      All Years        37          413,195        11,167         13.3

               AK Urban Local            1991            3             *             *              *
                                         1992            3             *             *              *
                                         1993            4           10,024         2,506          1.3
                                         1994            8           61,267         7,658          8.8
               AK Urban Local          All Years         9           94,174        10,464          3.0

               AK Urban Non-local        1991           45          397,355         8,830         46.5
                                         1992           27          448,672        16,617         57.8
                                         1993           40          654,975        16,374         82.5
                                         1994           39          420,464        10,781         60.6
               AK Urban Non-local      All Years       100        1,921,466        19,215         61.7

 Table III.C-v2a.  Halibut fishing operations that DID NOT receive an initial allocation of halibut QS.
                   Estimated number of vessel owners and 1991-1994 halibut harvest by management area
                   and resident type.

 FISHERY: Halibut

                                                                                                 Pct. of
                Resident                               Vessel        Total         Average      Res Class
   Area          Type                    Year          Owners        Catch          Catch         Catch
 ----------    ----------               --------      --------      --------       --------      --------

 4A            Non-resident              1991           19          285,333        15,018         33.4
                                         1992           15          133,137         8,876         17.2
                                         1993            5           54,048        10,810          6.8
                                         1994            7          116,476        16,639         16.8
               Non-resident            All Years        37          588,994        15,919         18.9

 4B            AK Rural Local            1991            1             *             *              *
                                         1992            1             *             *              *
                                         1993            2             *             *              *
                                         1994            1             *             *              *
               AK Rural Local          All Years         2             *             *              *

               AK Rural Non-local        1991            8          146,909        18,364         28.4
               AK Rural Non-local      All Years         8          146,909        18,364          6.4

               AK Urban Non-local        1991           14          140,950        10,068         27.3
                                         1992           13          180,803        13,908         28.6
                                         1993            9          120,753        13,417         24.2
                                         1994           13          328,313        25,255         49.3
               AK Urban Non-local      All Years        39          770,819        19,765         33.3

               Non-resident              1991           16          217,340        13,584         42.0
                                         1992           14          434,868        31,062         68.9
                                         1993            9          372,126        41,347         74.7
                                         1994           11          328,357        29,851         49.3
               Non-resident            All Years        33        1,352,691        40,991         58.5

 4C            AK Rural Local            1991            1             *             *              *
                                         1992            4             *             *              *
                                         1993            7           63,743         9,106         19.7
                                         1994           12           50,416         4,201         16.5
               AK Rural Local          All Years        15          171,284        11,419         15.2

               AK Rural Non-local        1991            3             *             *              *
                                         1992            5             *             *              *
               AK Rural Non-local      All Years         6           66,158        11,026          5.9

 Table III.C-v2a.  Halibut fishing operations that DID NOT receive an initial allocation of halibut QS.
                   Estimated number of vessel owners and 1991-1994 halibut harvest by management area
                   and resident type.

 FISHERY: Halibut

                                                                                                 Pct. of
                Resident                               Vessel        Total         Average      Res Class
   Area          Type                    Year          Owners        Catch          Catch         Catch
 ----------    ----------               --------      --------      --------       --------      --------

 4C            AK Urban Non-local        1991           12          103,746         8,646         56.7
                                         1992           10          123,847        12,385         39.0
                                         1993           11          153,853        13,987         47.6
                                         1994            9          130,421        14,491         42.7
               AK Urban Non-local      All Years        29          511,867        17,651         45.3

               Non-resident              1991            8           56,588         7,074         30.9
                                         1992            9           92,987        10,332         29.3
                                         1993            4          105,639        26,410         32.7
                                         1994            6          124,691        20,782         40.8
               Non-resident            All Years        21          379,905        18,091         33.6

 4D            AK Rural Local            1994           12           18,174         1,515          5.3
               AK Rural Local          All Years        12           18,174         1,515          1.2

               AK Urban Non-local        1991            9          262,463        29,163         44.7
                                         1992            3             *             *              *
                                         1993            5          146,729        29,346         60.3
                                         1994            3             *             *              *
               AK Urban Non-local      All Years        16          556,160        34,760         37.9

               Non-resident              1991           15          324,343        21,623         55.3
                                         1992            9             *             *              *
                                         1993            3             *             *              *
                                         1994           11          267,575        24,325         77.3
               Non-resident            All Years        22          891,574        40,526         60.8

 4E            AK Rural Local            1991           16            4,735           296          5.5
                                         1992            7           12,194         1,742         38.1
                                         1993           18           19,075         1,060         47.6
                                         1994           39           66,368         1,702         91.4
               AK Rural Local          All Years        61          102,372         1,678         44.5

               AK Rural Non-local        1991            5           14,971         2,994         17.5
                                         1992            3             *             *              *
                                         1993            1             *             *              *
 Table III.C-v2a.  Halibut fishing operations that DID NOT receive an initial allocation of halibut QS.
                   Estimated number of vessel owners and 1991-1994 halibut harvest by management area
                   and resident type.

 FISHERY: Halibut

                                                                                                 Pct. of
                Resident                               Vessel        Total         Average      Res Class
   Area          Type                    Year          Owners        Catch          Catch         Catch
 ----------    ----------               --------      --------      --------       --------      --------

 4E            AK Rural Non-local        1994            1             *             *              *
               AK Rural Non-local      All Years         7           28,520         4,074         12.4

               AK Urban Local            1993            1             *             *              *
                                         1994            1             *             *              *
               AK Urban Local          All Years         2             *             *              *

               AK Urban Non-local        1991            7           44,693         6,385         52.2
                                         1992            4            8,267         2,067         25.8
                                         1993            4           15,493         3,873         38.6
                                         1994            5            5,640         1,128          7.8
               AK Urban Non-local      All Years        15           74,093         4,940         32.2

               Non-resident              1991            6           21,142         3,524         24.7
                                         1992            6              778           130          2.4
               Non-resident            All Years         9           21,920         2,436          9.5

     Note: An asterisk denotes confidential data