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         Table III.C-v2b.  Halibut fishing operations that DID NOT receive an initial allocation
                           of halibut QS.  Estimated number of vessel owners and 1991-1994 halibut
                           harvest over all management areas, by resident type.

         FISHERY: Halibut

                                                                                      Pct. of
          Resident                         Vessel        Total         Average       Res Class
           Type          Year              Owners        Catch          Catch          Catch
         ----------     --------          --------      --------       --------       --------

         AK Rural        1991               351         1,334,266         3,801         16.8
                         1992               330         1,394,574         4,226         16.8
                         1993               256         1,164,444         4,549         14.9
                         1994               307         1,320,000         4,300         17.8
                        All Years           713         5,213,284         7,312         16.5

         AK Urban        1991               535         3,757,762         7,024         47.4
                         1992               491         3,953,121         8,051         47.5
                         1993               428         4,483,759        10,476         57.2
                         1994               432         3,763,237         8,711         50.7
                        All Years         1,046        15,957,879        15,256         50.6

         Non-resident    1991               205         2,832,779        13,818         35.7
                         1992               189         2,970,703        15,718         35.7
                         1993               133         2,188,289        16,453         27.9
                         1994               167         2,346,493        14,051         31.6
                        All Years           402        10,338,264        25,717         32.8