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Table IVA-s5. Historical turnover rates in the sablefish fishery, by year and management area. First-
time persons are permit holders who entered the fishery for the first time during the
1985 to 1994 time period. New participants are permit holders who did not fish in the
previous year. Drop-outs are permit holders who fished one year, and did not fish the next.
FISHERY: Sablefish
Total New First-year Percent Percent
Permit Permit Percent Permit First- Drop- Drop-
Area Year Holders Holders New Holders Year Outs Outs
------ ------ ------- ------- ------- --------- ----- ------ -------
Southeast 1986 258 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
1987 364 187 51.4 187 51.4 81 22.3
1988 405 154 38.0 135 33.3 113 27.9
1989 400 132 33.0 100 25.0 137 34.3
1990 338 82 24.3 56 16.6 144 42.6
1991 461 213 46.2 136 29.5 90 19.5
1992 501 170 33.9 102 20.4 130 25.9
1993 391 66 16.9 32 8.2 176 45.0
1994 488 166 34.0 75 15.4 69 14.1
West Yakutat 1986 140 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
1987 233 159 68.2 159 68.2 66 28.3
1988 166 85 51.2 73 44.0 152 91.6
1989 189 111 58.7 79 41.8 88 46.6
1990 164 77 47.0 50 30.5 102 62.2
1991 219 144 65.8 97 44.3 89 40.6
1992 275 143 52.0 84 30.5 87 31.6
1993 210 89 42.4 50 23.8 154 73.3
1994 261 136 52.1 60 23.0 85 32.6
Central Gulf 1986 224 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
1987 335 182 54.3 182 54.3 71 21.2
1988 390 197 50.5 179 45.9 142 36.4
1989 316 121 38.3 92 29.1 195 61.7
1990 406 195 48.0 130 32.0 105 25.9
1991 480 240 50.0 160 33.3 166 34.6
1992 640 298 46.6 221 34.5 138 21.6
1993 505 156 30.9 107 21.2 291 57.6
1994 606 275 45.4 161 26.6 174 28.7
Western Gulf 1986 70 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
1987 85 51 60.0 51 60.0 36 42.4
1988 87 50 57.5 42 48.3 48 55.2
1989 98 62 63.3 54 55.1 51 52.0
1990 46 18 39.1 12 26.1 70 152.2
1991 116 94 81.0 60 51.7 24 20.7
1992 135 80 59.3 56 41.5 61 45.2
1993 47 22 46.8 17 36.2 110 234.0
1994 30 21 70.0 13 43.3 38 126.7
Aleutian Is. 1986 35 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
1987 55 44 80.0 44 80.0 24 43.6
1988 69 42 60.9 40 58.0 28 40.6
1989 51 28 54.9 22 43.1 46 90.2
Table IVA-s5. Historical turnover rates in the sablefish fishery, by year and management area. First-
time persons are permit holders who entered the fishery for the first time during the
1985 to 1994 time period. New participants are permit holders who did not fish in the
previous year. Drop-outs are permit holders who fished one year, and did not fish the next.
FISHERY: Sablefish
Total New First-year Percent Percent
Permit Permit Percent Permit First Drop- Drop-
Area Year Holders Holders New Holders Year Outs Outs
------ ------ ------- ------- ------- --------- ----- ------ -------
Aleutian Is. 1990 49 24 49.0 15 30.6 26 53.1
1991 67 44 65.7 25 37.3 26 38.8
1992 52 28 53.8 16 30.8 43 82.7
1993 63 42 66.7 24 38.1 31 49.2
1994 62 30 48.4 19 30.6 31 50.0
Bering Sea 1986 33 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
1987 84 68 81.0 68 81.0 17 20.2
1988 50 34 68.0 33 66.0 68 136.0
1989 30 22 73.3 17 56.7 42 140.0
1990 65 51 78.5 27 41.5 16 24.6
1991 113 82 72.6 68 60.2 34 30.1
1992 104 64 61.5 54 51.9 73 70.2
1993 88 58 65.9 35 39.8 74 84.1
1994 65 34 52.3 15 23.1 57 87.7