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 Table A-2a-1.  QS recipients who were not credited with 1991-1994 participation in an area where
                they received QS: the number of entities and their QS translated to 1995 IFQ pounds.
                This table excludes entities that received swappable CDQ QS in an area.

 FISHERY: Halibut

                                                                Cumltv.      Total 1995     Percent
                  1995 lbs.       Number of      Pct. of        Percent      Pounds in      of Total
    Area          Category         Persons       Persons        Persons       Category     Area Lbs.
  --------        --------         --------      --------       --------      --------      --------

  2C              0-100                81          15.6          15.6            3,454        0.3
                  101 to 500          132          25.4          41.0           35,609        3.3
                  501 to 1000          73          14.1          55.1           53,410        4.9
                  1001 to 2500        117          22.5          77.6          183,118       16.9
                  2501 to 5000         47           9.1          86.7          172,938       15.9
                  5001 to 10000        44           8.5          95.2          301,019       27.7
                  > 10000              25           4.8           100          336,660       31.0

  3A              0-100               187          20.1          20.1            8,035        0.3
                  101 to 500          265          28.4          48.5           68,213        2.3
                  501 to 1000          99          10.6          59.1           73,443        2.5
                  1001 to 2500        155          16.6          75.7          243,640        8.1
                  2501 to 5000         86           9.2          84.9          297,726        9.9
                  5001 to 10000        67           7.2          92.1          473,566       15.8
                  > 10000              73           7.8           100        1,831,291       61.1

  3B              0-100                43          10.2          10.2            2,303        0.2
                  101 to 500          109          25.9          36.1           26,751        2.1
                  501 to 1000          65          15.5          51.6           47,248        3.8
                  1001 to 2500         83          19.9          71.3          135,088       10.8
                  2501 to 5000         60          14.3          85.6          209,524       16.8
                  5001 to 10000        29           6.9          92.5          205,295       16.5
                  > 10000              31           7.4           100          621,313       49.8

  4A              0-100                13           7.6           7.6              578        0.1
                  101 to 500           17           9.9          17.5            5,857        0.8
                  501 to 1000          21          12.3          29.8           16,241        2.1
                  1001 to 2500         40          23.4          53.2           67,959        8.8
                  2501 to 5000         36          21.1          74.3          135,924       17.5
                  5001 to 10000        18          10.5          84.8          131,922       17.0
                  > 10000              26          15.2           100          417,614       53.8

  4B              101 to 500            5           6.5           6.5            1,701        0.2
                  501 to 1000           9          11.7          18.2            6,791        1.0
                  1001 to 2500         16          20.8          39.0           25,273        3.6
                  2501 to 5000         12          15.6          54.6           45,913        6.5
                  5001 to 10000        16          20.8          75.4          115,801       16.4
                  > 10000              19          24.7           100          509,171       72.3

  4C              0-100                 3           9.7           9.7              121        0.1
                  101 to 500            1           3.2          12.9              250        0.2
                  501 to 1000           5          16.1          29.0            3,551        3.0
                  1001 to 2500          8          25.8          54.8           14,531       12.1
                  2501 to 5000          8          25.8          80.6           29,609       24.8
                  5001 to 10000         3           9.7          90.3           21,744       18.2
                  > 10000               3           9.7           100           49,797       41.6

 Table A-2a-1.  QS recipients who were not credited with 1991-1994 participation in an area where
                they received QS: the number of entities and their QS translated to 1995 IFQ pounds.
                This table excludes entities that received swappable CDQ QS in an area.

 FISHERY: Halibut

                                                                Cumltv.      Total 1995     Percent
                  1995 lbs.       Number of      Pct. of        Percent      Pounds in      of Total
    Area          Category         Persons       Persons        Persons       Category     Area Lbs.
  --------        --------         --------      --------       --------      --------      --------

  4D              0-100                 2           5.1           5.1               93        0.0
                  101 to 500            3           7.7          12.8              807        0.4
                  501 to 1000           3           7.7          20.5            2,334        1.1
                  1001 to 2500          9          23.1          43.6           15,111        7.0
                  2501 to 5000          9          23.1          66.7           28,828       13.4
                  5001 to 10000         8          20.5          87.2           51,733       24.0
                  > 10000               5          12.8           100          116,304       54.0

  4E              0                    56           100           100                .         .

 Note:  This table excludes entities and QS from the NMFS Initial Allocation file if there was no
        match to the CFEC permit or vessel license files.  Without a match, it is not possible to
        determine whether the entity fished during the 1991-1994 time period.