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         Table III.C-v1b  Fishing operations that DID NOT receive initial halibut QS allocations:
                          Estimated number of vessel owners, and 1991-1994 halibut harvest over
                          all management areas.

         FISHERY: Halibut

                                                                                   Pct. of
                                        Vessel        Total         Average        Fishery
                         Year           Owners        Catch          Catch          Catch
                        --------       --------      --------       --------       --------

                         1991          1,091         7,924,807        7,264          17.0
                         1992          1,010         8,318,398        8,236          17.2
                         1993            817         7,836,492        9,592          18.0
                         1994            906         7,429,730        8,201          18.6
                        All Years      2,161        31,509,427       14,581          17.7