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     Table III.D-p2b.  Halibut fishing operations that DID NOT receive an initial allocation of
                       halibut QS.  Number of permit holders and harvest over all management areas,
                       by resident type.

        FISHERY: Halibut

                                                                                     Pct. of
         Resident                        Permit         Total         Average       Res Class
          Type          Year             Holders        Catch          Catch          Catch
        ----------     --------          --------      --------       --------       --------
        AK Rural        1991               386         1,468,867         3,805         18.5
                        1992               351         1,515,764         4,318         18.2
                        1993               272         1,396,992         5,136         17.8
                        1994               334         1,424,397         4,265         19.2
                       All Years           766         5,806,020         7,580         18.4

        AK Urban        1991               563         3,750,066         6,661         47.3
                        1992               519         4,127,363         7,953         49.6
                        1993               455         4,475,885         9,837         57.1
                        1994               465         4,170,597         8,969         56.1
                       All Years         1,135        16,523,911        14,559         52.4

        Non-resident    1991               190         2,705,874        14,241         34.1
                        1992               175         2,675,271        15,287         32.2
                        1993               121         1,963,615        16,228         25.1
                        1994               141         1,834,736        13,012         24.7
                       All Years           386         9,179,496        23,781         29.1