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      Table IV.D-p2b.  Sablefish fishing operations that DID NOT receive an initial allocation of
                       sablefish QS.  Number of permit holders and harvest over all management areas,
                       by resident type.

     FISHERY: Sablefish

                                                                                   Pct. of
       Resident                        Permit         Total         Average       Res Class
        Type          Year             Holders        Catch          Catch          Catch
      ----------     --------          --------      --------       --------       --------

      AK Rural        1991                94           797,700         8,486          9.3
                      1992               124         1,389,110        11,203         10.7
                      1993                95         1,602,591        16,869         10.3
                      1994               112         1,726,349        15,414         11.9
                     All Years           217         5,515,750        25,418         10.7

      AK Urban        1991               217         4,058,653        18,703         47.4
                      1992               305         5,612,179        18,401         43.0
                      1993               242         6,336,073        26,182         40.6
                      1994               371         7,354,060        19,822         50.6
                     All Years           619        23,360,964        37,740         45.2

      Non-resident    1991               115         3,708,573        32,248         43.3
                      1992               167         6,039,205        36,163         46.3
                      1993               122         7,664,873        62,827         49.1
                      1994               151         5,440,789        36,032         37.5
                     All Years           328        22,853,440        69,675         44.2