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 TABLE A-2c-1. Permit holders and vessel owners from operations that fished during 1991-1994 in
               areas where they received QS, but who were not credited with participation in that
               area during 1991-1994 because the catch observation was assigned to a different entity.
               The table shows the number of entities and their QS translated to 1995 pounds of IFQ.

 FISHERY: Halibut

                   1995                   Number                               Total 1995    Pct. of
                   Lbs.                     of                  Cumltv.         Lbs. in       Area
   Area            Category              Entities    Percent    Percent         Category       Lbs.
   ----            --------              --------    -------    -------         --------     --------

   2C              0-100            |         1         2.6        2.6     |          42        0.0
                   101 to 500       |         9        23.1       25.7     |       2,694        2.7
                   501 to 1000      |         4        10.3       36.0     |       3,008        3.0
                   1001 to 2500     |        14        35.9       71.9     |      20,457       20.5
                   2501 to 5000     |         6        15.4       87.3     |      23,440       23.5
                   5001 to 10000    |         3         7.7       95.0     |      19,813       19.9
                   > 10000          |         2         5.1      100.0     |      30,348       30.4

   3A              0-100            |         6         9.8        9.8     |         266        0.1
                   101 to 500       |        10        16.4       26.2     |       2,887        1.2
                   501 to 1000      |        11        18.0       44.2     |       8,042        3.3
                   1001 to 2500     |        12        19.7       63.9     |      19,462        7.9
                   2501 to 5000     |         7        11.5       75.4     |      26,733       10.8
                   5001 to 10000    |         6         9.8       85.2     |      41,073       16.6
                   > 10000          |         9        14.8      100.0     |     148,392       60.1

   3B              0-100            |         1         9.1        9.1     |          64        0.2
                   101 to 500       |         5        45.5       54.6     |         980        3.8
                   501 to 1000      |         1         9.1       63.7     |         898        3.5
                   1001 to 2500     |         1         9.1       72.8     |       1,831        7.1
                   2501 to 5000     |         2        18.2       91.0     |       5,257       20.5
                   > 10000          |         1         9.1      100.0     |      16,644       64.8

   4A              2501 to 5000     |         1       100.0      100.0     |       2,555      100.0

   4B              1001 to 2500     |         2       100.0      100.0     |       3,529      100.0

   Total                                    114