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Malecha, P., A. Tingley, and K. Iverson. 2000. "Changes in the Distribution of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Permits, 1975 to 1999." CFEC Rpt. 00-3N


This report provides detailed information on changes in the distribution of permanent permits in Alaska's limited fisheries. From 1975 through 1999, 67 permit-types were issued in 58 limited fisheries. The report provides both statewide and fishery-specific data on the numbers of permit transfers, the geographic distribution of permit holders, changes due to transfers, changes due to the movement of permit holders, and the year-end 1999 geographic distribution of permit holders.

The report also includes extensive information on the age of permit holders, age differences between transferors and transfer recipients, the incidence of intra-family and business partner transfers, permit acquisition methods, and financing of permit purchases. The information contained in the report is derived from the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission's (CFEC) permit and transfer survey files.

The report includes two separate documents : an executive summary and the principal report, which is primarily a reference document.