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Muse, Ben. 1998. "Management of the British Columbia Sea Urchin Fishery." CFEC Rpt. 98-2N. Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission. Juneau: May 1998. 27 pages.


The British Columbia commercial dive fishery for red sea urchins began to take off in 1978. Limited entry was introduced in 1991, and a voluntary individual quota program was begun in 1994. In 1996 the Department of Fisheries and Oceans made the individual quota program an official part of the management of the fishery. The commercial dive fishery for green urchins began in 1987, entry was limited in 1991, a voluntary individual quota program was begun in 1994, and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans introduced an official individual quota program in 1995. The management histories of both fisheries are reviewed, with particular attention to the operation of the limited entry and the individual quota programs.