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(1) The harvest estimates contained herein may not agree with sablefish harvest estimates from other data sources. Since 1990, fish tickets do not contain all of the sablefish catch. Some Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) catch may be recorded only on NMFS Weekly Production Reports. The authors used fish ticket records for catcher vessels and WPR records for catcher processors to construct the 1991- 1994 sablefish catch records contained herein. In doing so, the authors excluded fish ticket records from catcher processors. The available fish ticket data and WPR data for a catcher processor can vary dramatically by amount of harvest and management area. Thus, the method of blending data used herein may result in different harvest estimates than other methods of blending fish ticket and WPR data.

(2) Sometimes a QS award is made on appeal where an IFQ had not been set aside in the reserve pool. In such instances, an IFQ is not awarded until the following year.

(3) See 50 CFR 679.40(c) and 50 CFR 679.40(e).