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Table 8-1. Persons Holding Sweepable Sablefish QS Blocks, Number of Sweepable Blocks, and Total Sweepable QS Holdings at Initial
Issue and Year-end 1996
Initial 1996 Change in
Persons Persons Persons Initial 1996 Number of Initial 1996 Total
Holding Holding Holding Number of Number of Sweepable Change in Amount of Amount of Sweepable Change in
Sweepable Sweepable Sweepable Sweepable Sweepable Blocks Sweepable Sweepable Sweepable QS Sweepable
Area QS QS QS Blocks Blocks Revoked Blocks QS QS Revoked QS
------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Southeast 260 241 -19 | 264 262 0 -2 | 2,674,754 2,830,082 0 155,328
W. Yakutat 208 184 -24 | 208 206 0 -2 | 2,731,681 2,734,991 0 3,310
C. Gulf 322 291 -31 | 325 312 0 -13 | 3,155,735 3,085,414 0 -70,321
W. Gulf 75 75 -3 | 77 77 3 -3 | 1,342,594 1,335,121 25,247 -32,720
Bering Sea 100 94 -7 | 100 98 1 -3 | 2,898,464 2,890,879 2,756 -10,341
Aleutians 82 77 -5 | 82 81 0 -1 | 2,568,038 2,568,038 0 0