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Table 8-2. Number of Transferors and Recipients of Sweep-up Transactions, With Mean
QS of Sweep-ups, By Area
Official Number of Total Total Average Avg. QS Total Average Avg. QS
Ratio of Sweep-up QS Unique QS Expressed Unique QS Expressed
Area Year QS/IFQ Transfers Swept Up Tranferors Transfered as IFQ Recipients Received as IFQ
------- ------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Southeast 1995 5.277 | 10 10,288 | 10 1,029 5,429 | 7 1,470 7,756
1996 6.654 | 8 17,972 | 8 2,247 14,948 | 7 2,567 17,084
W. Yakutat 1995 6.431 | 1 678 | 1 678 4,360 | 1 678 4,360
1996 8.678 | 5 22,782 | 5 4,556 39,540 | 4 5,696 49,426
C. Gulf 1995 7.309 | 4 21,020 | 4 5,255 38,409 | 2 10,510 76,818
1996 9.211 | 7 21,003 | 7 3,000 27,637 | 6 3,501 32,243