(1) A special CFEC identifier number is
assigned to the vessel when it is licensed for the first time by a particular business partnership
or corporate entity. (2) A common
example of how this occurred is as follows: Two persons have a partnership in a fishing
business. Their business has a Federal employer identification number. This business entity
was issued QS, and the Federal employer ID number is used in RAM's files for both the
IFQ_ID and the RAMSSN. One of the partners is listed on the RAM files as the contact
person for the business. This same partner was the person who licensed the vessel with
CFEC and renewed the CFEC interim-use permits. When the partner obtained the permits
and vessel licenses, he listed himself and his personal SSN as the vessel owner and permit
holder; therefore, CFEC records show only this person and his SSN, and have no record of
the business entity. His SSNs will not match to the IFQ_ID or RAMSSN on RAM's files,
but his name and address probably will. (3)
For example, there may be a QS recipient name on the Initial file who might be one of two
different persons on the CFEC licensing records. It's possible that neither of the addresses
listed for those persons matched the address of the QS recipient, but maybe the date of birth
for one of them did. In this case, the match was assigned using the person's first name, last
name, and date of birth. It would be assumed that the address information didn't match
because the person had changed their address.