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A 1991 to 1994 fishing operation, as defined in this project, is a unique permit holder / vessel owner combination that recorded a landing(s) in the halibut or sablefish fishery over the time period. The project required the CFEC to examine 1991 to 1994 halibut and sablefish fishing operations and determine whether the operations received initial allocations of halibut or sablefish QS.

An operation is designated as a "leftout" if neither the permit holder nor the vessel owner received an initial QS allocation in a management area where the operation fished over the 1991 to 1994 time period.

The actual determination of "leftouts" was a complex process that involved merging several computerized datasets. Most merges were done by matching on various identifier variables from the datasets.


a. The CFEC People File

b. CFEC Vessel License File

c. CFEC Catch and Gross Earnings File

d. The Sablefish Catch File

Year Revised Data WPR Data FT Data
1991 51,235,355 50,181,283 50,696,611
1992 48,636,373 44,820,872 46,706,008
1993 49,404,493 48,979,862 44,498,527
1994 44,874,413 43,483,957 40,783,237

d. CFEC Census File

e. The RAM Demographic File

e. The RAM Initial Allocation File


The CFEC's first task was to attempt to match each record on the Initial file to the CFEC People file. After this match was completed, there would be a link between RAM's Initial allocation file and the CFEC records. The matching process was done by merging the IFQ_IDs and RAMSSNs on the Initial file to the unique identifier field (SSN) on the People file.

Completing this match to the CFEC People file involved several steps that are outlined below.


As stated above, nearly all records on the Initial file eventually were linked to the CFEC People file, meaning that at some point in time the person or business entity who received an initial QS allocation also licensed a vessel in Alaska or held an Alaska commercial fisheries limited entry or interim-use permit.

The next task was to merge the records on the Initial2 file to the 1991-1994 catch records. If a fishing operation harvested sablefish or halibut between 1991 and 1994, but there was no link for that operation back the Initial2 file, then that operation's vessel owner and permit holder could be considered "leftouts."

An important consideration in this analysis is the definition of a "leftout." It is possible for a vessel owner or permit holder to receive initial QS, but not for the species that their operation harvested over the 1991-1994 time period. For example, a person may have been issued only halibut QS, but from 1991 to 1994 his fishing operation harvested both halibut and sablefish. It is also possible that a person received QS for the same species that was harvested over the 1991 to 1994 time period, but the QS was issued to him in a different area than where the 1991 to 1994 harvest occurred.

For this study, nine different nominal variables were added to the 1991 to 1994 catch records after the Initial2 file was merged to the catch file. These nominal variables took on a "yes" or "no" value depending upon where the QS was issued.

Note that there may be more that one permit holder / vessel owner combination in an area in a year. This report considers a fishing operation to be a unique permit holder / vessel owner combination that recorded a landing(s) during the 1991 to 1994 period.

In this report, the nominal variables were used to define a leftout operation. A leftout operation is one where neither the vessel owner nor the permit holder received an initial QS allocation in a management area(s) where the operation fished over the 1991 to 1994 period.