Publications by Subject
- Gho, Marcus,2013
- Kodiak Salmon Set Gillnet Permit Stacking CFEC Rpt 13-4N (PDF)
- Gho, Marcus,2013
- CFEC Salmon Set Gilnet Permits and DNR Shore Fishery Leases in Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, Kodiak, Alaska Peninsula and Bristol Bay 1975-2012 CFEC Rpt 13-3N (PDF)
- Gho, Marcus,2013
- Overview of Permit Holdings, Harvests, and Estimates of Gross Earnings in the Cook Inlet Salmon Set Gillnet Fishery, 1975-2012 CFEC Rpt 13-2N (PDF)
- Vessels Fished in the Bristol Bay Drift Gillnet Fishery. (PDF)
- Shriver, J. 2012
- Changes in Gross Total Earnings in Selected Alaska Salmon Fisheries. CFEC Rpt 12-7N (PDF)
- Shriver, J., K. Iverson. 2012
- Lake and Peninsula Borough CFEC Permit Holdings, Harvests, and Estimated Grose Earnings by Resident Type in the Bristol Bay Salmon Gillnet Fisheries, 1975-2011 CFEC Rpt 12-05-N (PDF)
- Shriver, J., K. Iverson. 2012
- CFEC Permit Holdings, Harvests, and Estimated Gross Earnings by Resident Type in the Bristol Bay Salmon Gillnet Fisheries, 1975-2011 CFEC Rpt 12-4N (PDF)
- Gho, Marcus, K. Iverson, C. Farrington. 2012
- CFEC Salmon Set Gillnet Permits and DNR Shore Fishery Leases in Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, Kodiak, Alaska Peninsula, and Bristol Bay 1975-2001 CFEC Rpt 12-3N (PDF)
- Gho, Marcus, 2012
- Bristol Bay Set Gillnet Permit Stacking CFEC Rpt 12-2N (PDF)
Tables prepared by Research staff at the request of CFEC Commissioners.
Permit Statistics for Alaska's Limited Entry Salmon Fisheries:
2001 - 2010. (PDF)
Summary of Permit and Harvest Statistics for Alaska's Limited
Entry Salmon Fisheries: 2001 - 2010. (PDF)
- Schelle, K., N. Free-Sloan, and C. Farrington. 2009
Bristol Bay Salmon Drift Gillnet Two-Permit Operations: Preliminary
Estimates from 2009 District Registration Data (PDF).
- Iverson, Kurt 2009.
CFEC Permit Holdings, Harvests, and Estimated Gross Earnings by
Resident Type in the Bristol Bay Salmon
Gillnet Fisheries.
(Abstract - PDF)
CFEC Permit Holdings, Harvests, and Estimated Gross Earnings by
Resident Type in the Bristol Bay Salmon
Gillnet Fisheries.
(Report - PDF)
Tables prepared by Research staff at the request of CFEC Commissioners.
Permit Statistics for Alaska's Limited Entry Salmon Fisheries:
1999 - 2008. (PDF)
Summary of Permit and Harvest Statistics for Alaska's Limited
Entry Salmon Fisheries: 1999 - 2008. (PDF)
- Iverson, K. and Sears, J. 2008.
- Vessel Lengths and Fishing Diversification Among Alaska Salmon Drift Gillnet Vessels, 1978 to 2007. CFEC Rpt 08-4N.(PDF) Abstract
- Tables prepared by Research staff at the request of CFEC Commissioners.
- Permit Statistics for Alaska's Limited Entry Salmon Fisheries: 1998 - 2007. (PDF)
- Summary of Permit and Harvest Statistics for Alaska's Limited Entry Salmon Fisheries: 1998 - 2007. (PDF)
- Tables prepared by Research staff at the request of CFEC Commissioners.
- Permit Statistics for Alaska's Limited Entry Salmon Fisheries: 1997 - 2006. (PDF)
- Summary of Permit and Harvest Statistics for Alaska's Limited Entry Salmon Fisheries: 1997 - 2006. (PDF)
- Moreland, S. 2006.
- An Analysis of Non-participating Limited Entry Permits in the Bristol Bay Salmon Drift Gillnet Fishery, 1990-2005. CFEC Rpt 06-4N. (PDF) Abstract
- Tide, C. and N. Free-Sloan. 2006.
- Changes in the Distribution of Alaska's Commercial Fisheries Entry Permits, 1975-2005. CFEC Rpt 06-2N. (PDF) Abstract
- Tables prepared by Research staff at the request of CFEC Commissioners.
- Permit Statistics for Alaska's Limited Entry Salmon Fisheries: 1996 - 2005. (PDF)
- Summary of Permit and Harvest Statistics for Alaska's Limited Entry Salmon Fisheries: 1996 - 2005. (PDF)
- Carlson, Stefanie. 2005.
- Bristol
Bay Salmon Drift Gillnet and Set Gillnet Fisheries: Permit Holdings and Participation Rates by Age and Resident Type, 1975-2004 CFEC Rpt 05-2N. (PDF)
- Free-Sloan, Nancy. 2005.
- Resident
types of CFEC Permit Holders in the 2005 Chignik Salmon Purse Seine
Fishery. CFEC Rpt 05-6N. (PDF)
- Tables prepared by Research staff at the request of CFEC Commissioners.
- Permit Statistics for Alaska's Limited Entry Salmon Fisheries: 1993 - 2004. (PDF)
- Summary of Permit and Harvest Statistics for Alaska's Limited Entry Salmon Fisheries: 1993 - 2004. (PDF)
- Schelle, K., K.Iverson, N. Free-Sloan and S. Carlson. 2004.
- Bristol
Bay Salmon Drift Gillnet Fishery Optimum Number Report. CFEC Rpt 04-3N.
- Free-Sloan N. 2003.
- Chignik
Salmon Purse Seine Fishery: Permit Transfer Statistics, 1992-2003. CFEC
Rpt. 03-1N.(PDF)
- Carlson, Stefanie. 2002.
- Multiple
Area Participation Patterns in Alaska Roe Herring Fisheries:
Implications for Alaska Salmon?
CFEC Rpt 02-7N. PDF)
- Schelle, K., S. Carlson, and N. Free-Sloan. 2002.
- Chignik
Salmon Purse Seine Fishery: Summary Data on Issues Related
to the 2002 Cooperative Fishery.
CFEC Rpt 02-6N. (PDF)Abstract
- Carlson, S. and K. Schelle. 2002.
- 2002 Survey of Bristol
Bay Salmon Drift Gillnet Fishery Permit Holders: A Review of Survey
Methodology and Implementation Procedures
CFEC Rpt 02-5N. (PDF, 1360K)
- Carlson, Stefanie. 2002.
- 2002 Survey of Bristol
Bay Salmon Drift Gillnet Fishery Permit Holders: Preliminary Summary of Responses
CFEC Rpt. 02-4N. (PDF)
- Iverson, K. and P. Malecha. 2000.
- Characteristics of Vessels Participating in the Alaska Peninsula Salmon Purse Seine and Drift Gillnet Fisheries, 1978 to 1999.CFEC Rpt. 00-10N. (PDF)
- Muse, Ben. 1999.
- Fleet Reduction in British Columbia's Commercial Salmon Fisheries: 1996-1998 CFEC Rpt. 99-2N. (PDF)
- Muse, Ben. 1999.
- Washington
State Commercial Salmon Fishery Buyback Programs: 1995-1998 CFEC
Rpt. 99-1N. (PDF)
- Iverson, Kurt. 1998.
- Arctic
/ Yukon / Kuskokwim Salmon Fisheries: Permits Issued, Permits
Fished, Pounds Landed, and Estimated Gross Earnings, 1987-1997 CFEC
Rpt. 98-9N. PDF)
- Outline
of Options for Fleet Consolidation in Alaska’s Salmon Fisheries. 1998.
- Prepared by CFEC Commissioners at the request of the Governor's Salmon Forum. (PDF)
- Dinneford, E. and A. Tingley. 1997.
- Bristol Bay Salmon Set Gill Net Fishery: Harvest and Gross Earnings Data by Species and Resident Type, 1992-1996. CFEC Rpt. 97-5N.
- Dinneford, E. and A. Tingley. 1997.
- Bristol Bay Salmon Drift Gill Net Fishery: Harvest and Gross Earnings Data by Species and Resident Type, 1992-1996. CFEC Rpt. 97-4N.
- Dinneford, Elaine. 1997.
- Harvest and Gross Earnings in the Cook Inlet Salmon Fisheries by Species, Gear, and Resident Status. CFEC Rpt. 97-1N.
- Iverson, Kurt. 1996.
- Alaska Commercial Salmon Catches 1900 to 1995. CFEC
Rpt. 96-2. Abstract
- Shirley, Susan M. 1996.
- Area M Purse Seine Vessels. A Report to the Alaska Board of Fisheries. CFEC Rpt. 96-1N.
- Iverson, Kurt. 1995.
- The 1994 Chignik Purse Seine Salmon Fishery: A Comparison of the Fishery Inside and Outside of Chignik Lagoon. CFEC Rpt. 95-10N.
- Dinneford, Elaine. 1995.
- Preliminary Data on Emergency Transfers with Special Emphasis on the Bristol Bay Salmon Fisheries, 1975-1994. CFEC Rpt. 95-9N.
- Dinneford, E. and A. Tingley. 1995.
- Kodiak (Area K) Salmon Permit Holders by Combination of Permits Held, 1975- 1994. CFEC Rpt. 95-8N.
- Dinneford, Elaine. 1995.
- Selected Data on Holdings of Bristol Bay Salmon and Chignik Salmon Entry Permits by Persons Local to Those Fishing Areas, 1975-1994. CFEC Rpt. 95-5N.
- Dinneford, Elaine. 1995.
- Area M Salmon Permit Holders by Combinations of Permits Held 1975-1994. CFEC Rpt. 95-3N.
- Iverson, Kurt. 1995.
- Historical Salmon Harvests in Alaska, 1900-1994. CFEC Rpt. 95-2N.
- Dinneford, Elaine. 1994.
- Bristol Bay Drift and Set Gill Net Harvest and Estimated Gross Earnings, by District and Residency, 1986-1992. CFEC Rpt. 94-1N.
- Shirley, Susan M. 1994.
- Participation by Alaskan Residents and Non-Residents in Cook Inlet Salmon, Herring, and Shellfish Fisheries, 1978-1992. CFEC Rpt. 94-2N.
- Dinneford, Elaine. 1994.
- Changes in Permanent Entry Permit Holdings in Communities Local to the Bristol Bay Salmon Gill Net Fisheries, 1975-1992. CFEC Rpt. 94-3N.
- Shirley, Susan M. 1993.
- The 1993 Chignik Purse Seine Salmon
Fishery: A Comparison of the Fishery Inside and Outside of Chignik Lagoon. CFEC Rpt. 93-10N.
- Shirley, Susan M., K. Schelle and Elaine Dinneford. 1992.
- Potential Impacts of Allowing Older Hand Trollers to Convert Their Permits to Non-Transferable Power Troll Permits. CFEC Rpt. 92-1.
- Shirley, Susan M. 1992.
- Background Report on Limited Entry in the
Peninsula/Aleutian Islands Salmon Fisheries. Report to the Alaska Board of Fisheries.
CFEC Rpt. 92-3.
- Shirley, Susan M. 1992.
- Background Report on Limited Entry
in the Hand and Power Troll Salmon Fisheries. Report to the Alaska Board of Fisheries. CFEC Rpt. 92-4.
- Shirley, Susan M. 1992.
- Background Report on Limited Entry
in the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Salmon Fisheries. Report to the Alaska Board of Fisheries. CFEC Rpt. 92-5.
- Shirley, S. and E. Dinneford. 1992.
- Earnings, Ex- Vessel Value and Residency for the Southeast Alaska Commercial
Troll Fishery. Report to the Alaska Board of Fisheries. CFEC Rpt. 92-6.
- Dinneford, Elaine. 1992.
- A Review of the False Pass and Other Area M Salmon Fisheries By Residency, Gear Type, and Species, 1986-1991. CFEC Rpt. 92-18.
- Dinneford, Elaine. 1992.
- Bristol Bay Drift and Set Gill Net Harvest and Estimated Gross Earnings, By District and Residency, 1986-1991.
Abstract CFEC Rpt. 92-10.
- Muse, Ben. 1991.
- Fishing Permit Prices and Management Rents in Alaska Salmon Fisheries. A draft paper prepared for the June-July, 1991 meetings of the Western Economics Association in Seattle, Washington.
- Muse, Ben. 1990.
- Forecasts of 1990 Entry Permit Values for the Cook Inlet Salmon Seine Fishery. CFEC Rpt. 90-2.
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