Publications by Subject
Fishery Rationalization
- Schelle, K., K.Iverson, N. Free-Sloan and S. Carlson. 2004.
- Bristol
Bay Salmon Drift Gillnet Fishery Optimum Number Report. CFEC Rpt 04-3N.
- Schelle, K., S. Carlson, and N. Free-Sloan. 2002.
- Chignik
Salmon Purse Seine Fishery: Summary Data on Issues Related
to the 2002 Cooperative Fishery.
CFEC Rpt 02-6N. (PDF, 142K)Abstract
- Dinneford, E., K. Iverson, B. Muse, and K. Schelle. 1999.
- Changes Under Alaska's Halibut IFQ Program, 1995-1998. Abstract
- Dinneford, E., K. Iverson, B. Muse, and K. Schelle. 1999.
- Changes
Under Alaska's Sablefish IFQ Program, 1995-1998. Abstract
- Muse, Ben. 1999.
- Washington
State Commercial Salmon Fishery Buyback Programs: 1995-1998 CFEC
Rpt. 99-1N. (PDF file, 91K)
- Muse, Ben. 1999.
- Fleet Reduction in British Columbia's Commercial Salmon Fisheries: 1996-1998 CFEC Rpt. 99-2N. (PDF file, 105K)
- Dinneford, E., K. Iverson, B. Muse, and K. Schelle.
- Changes
Under Alaska's Halibut IFQ Program, 1995-1997.
Executive Summary (PDF
- Dinneford, E., K. Iverson, B. Muse, and K. Schelle.
- Changes
Under Alaska's Sablefish IFQ Program, 1995-1997.
Executive Summary (PDF,
- Outline
of Options for Fleet Consolidation in Alaska’s Salmon Fisheries. 1998.
- Prepared by CFEC Commissioners at the request of the Governor's Salmon Forum. (PDF)
- Dinneford, E., K. Iverson, B. Muse, and K. Schelle. 1997.
- Changes Under Alaska's Halibut IFQ Program, 1995-1996. Abstract
Executive Summary
- Dinneford, E., K. Iverson, B. Muse, and K. Schelle. 1997.
- Changes Under Alaska's Sablefish IFQ Program, 1995-1996.
Executive Summary
- Dinneford, Elaine. 1996.
- Preliminary 1995 Summary Data on the Halibut and Sablefish IFQ Programs: With Special Emphasis on the Sitka Census Area. CFEC Rpt. 96-3.
- Muse, B.,K. Schelle,E. Dinneford and K. Iverson. 1996.
- Changes Under Alaska's Halibut IFQ Program, 1995. CFEC Rpt. 96-10N.
Executive Summary
- Muse, B.,K. Schelle,E. Dinneford and K. Iverson. 1996.
- Changes Under Alaska's Sablefish IFQ Program, 1995. CFEC Rpt. 96-11N.
Executive Summary
- Schelle, Kurt and B. Muse. 1994
- Draft for Council and Public Review: Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review (EA/RIR) for License Limitation Alternatives for the Groundfish & Crab Fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea Aleutian Islands. North Pacific Fishery Management Council.
- Schelle, K., K. Iverson and B. Muse. 1993.
- Draft for Council Review: Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/ Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for the 1,000 Pound Minimum IFQ Proposed Amendment to the Individual Fishing Quota Management Alternative for Alaska's Fixed Gear Halibut Fishery.
- Schelle, K., B. Muse and K. Iverson. 1993.
- Draft for Council Review: Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for the Sitka Block Proposed Amendment and the Full/Partial Block Proposed Amendment to the Individual Fishing Quota Management Alternative for Fixed
Gear Sablefish and Halibut Fisheries - Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands.
- Schelle, K., B. Muse and K. Iverson. 1993.
- Draft for Public Review: Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for the Sitka Block Proposed Amendment and the Full/Partial Block Proposed Amendment to the Individual Fishing Quota Management Alternative for Fixed
Gear Sablefish and Halibut Fisheries - Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands.
- Schelle, K., B. Muse and K. Iverson. 1993.
- Draft for Secretarial Review: Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for the Sitka Block Proposed Amendment and the Full/Partial Block Proposed Amendment and the Modified Block Proposed Amendment to the Individual
Fishing Quota Management Alternative for Fixed Gear Sablefish and Halibut Fisheries - Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands.
- Schelle,K., B. Muse and K. Iverson. 1992.
- Southeastern Alaska Roe Herring Purse Seine Fishery - Optimum Number Report. CFEC Rpt. 92-2. (Available for $10 per copy).
- Shirley, S. and B. Muse. 1992.
- The Feasibility of Limited Entry and Permit Exchange for the Guided Sport Fishery. CFEC Rpt. 92-7
- Schelle, K., K. Iverson and B. Muse. 1992.
- Analysis of the 1,000 Pound Minimum IFQ Proposed Amendment to the Individual Fishing Quota Management Alternative for Alaska's Fixed Gear Halibut Fishery.
A Discussion Draft Report distributed by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council.
- Muse, Ben. 1991.
- Survey of Individual Quota Programs. CFEC Rpt. 91-7.
- Schelle, Kurt and B. Muse. 1991.
- Regulating Common Property Fisheries By Limited Entry: Evolving Issues Under Alaska's Program. CFEC Rpt. 91-8.
1989- Muse, B. and K. Schelle. 1989.
- Individual Fisherman's Quotas: A Preliminary Review of Some Recent
Programs. CFEC Rpt. 89-1.
- Schelle, K. and B. Muse. 1989.
- License Programs Under Alaska's Limited Entry Statutes: Policy
Decisions Under Statutory Constraints. Presented at the 119th
Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, Alaska. CFEC Rpt. 89-10.
- Muse, B. and K. Schelle. 1988.
- New Zealand's ITQ Program. CFEC Rpt. 88-3.
- Muse, Ben. 1988.
- Individual Fisherman's Quotas and Fisheries Values. pages 82-92
In: A Symposium on the Value of Commercial Fisheries to Alaska,
Special Publication No.1, Alaska Department of Fish and Game,
Division of Commercial Fisheries, Juneau, Alaska. Abstract
- Schelle, K. and B. Muse. 1984.
- Buyback of Fishing Rights in the US and Canada: Implications for Alaska. (PDF, 4300K)